Chapter 3: Rocking around the Christmas Tree

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Elvis awoke next to you in his warm bed, seeing you buried in snug blankets against his pleasing touch - your bare bodies intertwined. Last night Elvis carried you upstairs after the party, wrapping your legs around his waist in all his heated passion - but stopped himself before anything sexual really took place. In his room he ravaged you tenderly with words and kisses - he discovered his real love for you. While you had never felt more pleasure before Elvis' sweet embrace, Elvis wanted to wait to go all the way. He now watched as you fidgeted slightly in your sleep, sighing and shifting your body closer to his.

His clock showed 12:34am, which, as late in the day as it was, was earlier than he'd usually care to get up. He groaned and pondered staying in bed with you - but soon slipped from the sheets, resisting your alluring nature. Half asleep, Elvis wrapped himself in his robe and ventured downstairs as quiet as a mouse, being sure not to wake you.

Kissing your forehead Elvis broke your slumber. He had a cup of orange juice in one hand and black coffee in the other, which he hastily put down so not to spill it. Tugging the sheets back over you, Elvis joined you on the bed and sat on top of the blankets.
"Hi." You breathed, easily.
"Morning, lovely." Elvis whispered back, half asleep himself. Elvis swooned at the smell of your leftover perfume, soon invaded with the smell of fresh coffee grounds as he swallowed the drink. You sighed, leaning up, holding the sheets around you to keep you warm. Peering out of the window into the celestial daylight; the whitest snowflakes cascading against the glass, you felt Elvis' hand take the role of a glove. His fingers intertwined yours as he kissed your shoulder before you turned to face him.

At last deciding to face the garish day, you borrowed Elvis' robe and strolled to the bathroom for a hot shower. Stripping off, the steamy water warmed your skin as you hummed along to some song. You heard Elvis' footsteps along with his deeper, more in-tune humming.
"What're you doing?" He asked rhetorically, teasing you, peeking over the shower wall. You bared a grin back, rolling your eyes jokingly. Elvis brushed his teeth, watching you through the mirror. The glass outside the shower was not quite see through, but he observed your form as you relished in his relaxing shower. Elvis thought he might join you, but found the water too hot. Instead he passed you a heated towel to rince you off. Encased in the toasty package, as well as Elvis' arms, you felt safe as you got dry.


That night there would be a dinner party. Elvis was hosting a small gathering for his closest family and friends.
"You'll sit right there next to me." Elvis said enthusiastically, pointing at your placemat which sat to the left of his seat: the head of the table. Elvis smiled excitedly, grabbing your waist; pulling you near him. 
"I have something for you to wear tonight, baby." Elvis announced with a wink, followed by a brief but precise kiss.

Elvis stayed downstairs, checking on the caterors as the party drew nearer. You rushed upstairs to get ready. You had already done your hair up in thick curls, so you just had to find the right outfit. You opened the bedroom door to find a large, flat, rectangular box with a cherry red ribbon tied around it displayed on the bed. Reading the attached card you couldn't help but smile at Elvis' unmistakable childlike handwriting. You blushed at his note:
"For my little darling, i love you more each time I see you, but I will love you most in this Xx - your Elvis." Elvis had a way with words he was always too modest to admit. You unravelled the bow and opened the lid of the box. Inside lay a stunning sleeveless knee length dress with a slight V neckline. You clutched it to your body, astonished by the gorgeous apricot coloured garment. The dress gathered at the waist and accented with a bow - you couldn't wait to try it on.

Elvis' eyes widened as he saw you at the top of the staircase. He was rendered speechless by your beguiling eyes that watched him from above and waited at the foot of the steps to take your face in his hands. You towered over him, only just, as you stood on two steps above him to meet his lips' embrace. Elvis' eyes were glued to you inbetween kisses.
"My angel." He uttered sensously into your ear, his smile against your neck making you desire him more and more. Alas, the doorbell chimed soon after.

"Happy Holidays, Daddy!" Elvis hugged his father in the entrance. Vernon would usually be living with Elvis but he had been staying with his soon to be fiancé for the season - who you noticed wasn't invited or, at least, didn't attend. Vernon stood handsomely, smiling at you behind Elvis, who wouldn't stop fussing him.
"Now, Elvis, don't be rude." Vernon remarked, sweeping past his son who took his bag and coat.
"How are you, honey?" The man asked in a familiar voice, a lot like Elvis'.
"I'm just fine, Mr. Presley" you answered, cheekily, holding the skirt of your new dress. You had already met Elvis' dad and the two of you hugged, Vernon kissing you on the cheek to greet you.
"It's Vernon, sweetheart" Mr. Presley corrected. "let's not be too formal, now." He shuffled to the living room with Elvis talking his ear off about this and that, Elvis giving you a sly wink as they walked off to catch up.

After that, one by one, all the guests arrived. It was mainly Elvis' close guy friends and cousins with their wives or girlfriends. Elvis saw Red West pull up from behind the curtains and crept outside, like a kid, to hit him with a snowball. After some rough and tumble in the thinly laid snow, the two boys joined the rest of the party in one piece. A tremendous dinner was prepared on the dining table. Buttered potatoes and corn, along with steaming vegetables and gravy. On the table there were some of Elvis' preffered dishes: ham salad, meatloaf, monkey bread and potatoes done every way - to name a few. But, of course Elvis served the traditional turkey with stuffing - which he didn't eat that much of. To top it off, Elvis had a bottle of Pepsi-Cola by his plate. Before the meal, however, Elvis said grace briefly to himself. He had a moment of silence for his mother, whom he thought of often. He then began to eat.

The table was soon boisterous and noisy. Even the usually shy Vernon was bellowing with laughter. Red and Joe were dancing around the tree, their bellies stuffed - each with a beer in one hand and mistletoe in the other. In amongst all the noise of the small group, Elvis took your hand and, after presenting you with a painfully beautiful fur coat, brought you out onto the patio where you sat on a swing chair in the garden.
"I want to talk to you, baby." He enquired.

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