|| F I F T Y || S P E C I A L ||

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P.o.v. Ariana Grande

I grab my phone from the table and scroll trough Instagram. The ' I am taking a break' picture already has 6 million likes. I disabled the comments because I don't want all the hate. I miss Shawn a lot but it's better not to see him for a few days, or maybe weeks. It doesn't feel good anymore. Shawn and I get a lot of hate and normally it doesn't affect me at all but now it's different. I am glad I'm friends with Camila again but Hailey is still so mean.

Someone knocks on the door. It's Hailee. I hug her and I start to cry. "Hailee... why does everyone hate me? What did I do wrong?"

Hailee rubs my back and whispers: "Ssssh, nothing baby." The tears keep running down my cheeks and I can't stop them. "Maybe it's a good idea to watch a movie. So you can try to forget everything. But first you have to explain why you broke up with Shawn?"

I sigh. "Well. I have this weird feeling I can't trust him. I don't trust Camila. I don't understand it. First she is my enemy and now my best friend. It's too much and I can't handle it all." I sit down on my couch and search for a funny movie. I find the movie "Finding Nemo". Normally it's my favourite movie but now I can't even smile. Hailee tries to make me happy but now I feel don't feel well.

"Hailee? Could you stay here tonight. Otherwise I'll feel so alone." "Of course." She jumps on the couch and hugs me again. Some time later we order pizza's. I forget Shawn and it's so much fun. We're eating the pizzas and we're making a lot of selfies. I post one weird selfie on my snapchat but after I post it I delete it immediately. This is private and I don't wanna be in the spotlights 24/7.

Hailee and I fell asleep at 3 am and we woke up at 11 am. We slept together in my bed. When I wake up, Hailee is gone. I hear some sounds from the kitchen. Hailee is making vegan pancakes and it smells amazing. I smile to her and grab 3 pancakes. " Wow! Those were mine!" "Not anymore." I start to eat really fast and Hailee smiles too. Then, I open Instagram. Everyone commented on my picture I posted before the last mirror selfie. I read some of them, but that was a big mistake.

"Ari!! Why did you leave insta?"
"Ugh, she is so selfish"
"Ari I love you so much can you please follow me?"
"Ariana why did you slap Hailey in her face?"

The last one shocked me a lot. I stare at my screen and try to remember when I did that. But I can't remember because I didn't.

"Hailee! Someone said I slapped Hailey in her face but i didn't." "What?" She takes my phone and scrolls through the comments. "Omg! So many people say that?!"

I take my phone back and decide to text Hailey. I've never texted her before but I do have her number.

Hailey Baldwin

You: Hailey, what do you mean with 'Ariana slapped me in my face' ?

Hailey: Haha! Nobody will believe you after your taking a break post!

You: What did I do wrong to deserve this?

Hailey: Being Shawn's girlfriend.

Hailey: We should talk. I'm coming to your house.

You: Okay then...

"What did she say?" Hailee asks. I sigh. "She wants to talk to me. She is mad at me because Shawn is my boyfriend.. I don't know. She can have him. Maybe that will stop the drama..."

Hailee looks at me as if I was crazy. "What?! But you still like him, don't you? You can't give him away to your enemy! I'll stay here and talk to Hailey because this drama all started with her. She brainwashed Camila, and now she is trying to bring you down!"

I smile a little bit. But my eyes are still tearing up. I run to the bathroom, fix my make up and hair and give myself a little peptalk.

Someone knocks at the door. I walk to the door and open it very calmly. There's Hailey. She has a mean smile on her lips and I see how mad Hailee gets.

"Hi Ari! How are you doing!"

"Just come in Hailey. What do you want?"

Hailey sits down on the couch and starts to talk: "Well. I want you to go to Shawn, say you don't love him and then tell him you never loved him but had a relationship with him so I couldn't have a relationship with him."

I stare at her. "No! That's crazy! Shawn will hate me! And I love him. But we just aren't good together. And what if I don't do it?"

"Well, I have a video." Hailey shows me a video on her phone. I can see Hailey and a girl who looks a lot like me. The girl slaps Hailey in her face and then walks away, just like the walk I always do.

I am so shocked. Why does this girl looks so much like me?! Everyone will believe it's me because they all know I am a little sad and I hate Hailey....

I look to the floor and whisper: "Okay... I will tell Shawn.."

"Nooo!" Hailee screams. "Don't do that Ariana. You will destroy your friendship forever! And Hailey just wants him for the fame!"

I look to Hailee. "I have no choice Hailee. I will go to Shawn this afternoon."

I can't stop my tears anymore. They are dripping down my cheeks and Hailee hugs me tight.

"Byee girls! See you soon! And Ari.." Hailey smiles. "Success babe!" She walks out the door.

"Ari... do you want me to stay or should I leave so you can go to Shawn?" Hailee looks really upset.

I hug her one last time. "I am going to Shawn. I will call you when I am back. I'll need you then."

After Hailee  left I went to Shawn's house. Before I knock on the door I take one last deep breath. I don't want to do this. But I have to. Shawn opens the door immediately. I can see his happiness when he sees me.

"Ari!" He tries to hug me but I push him back. I feel so bad to push him back.

"Shawn, we have to talk. Please?" He takes a step back and lets me in. I've been in this house so much and it brings a lot of memories to me. I immediately start crying and Shawn tries to hug me again. I don't push him away which makes it even harder then it was.

"Babe, what's going on? I'm worried!" Shawn takes me to the couch and sits down. I sit down on the right side of him and stare at the ground while my tears are dripping down on my cheeks.

"Shawn... I don't love you." I look up and Shawn looks so confused. "What do you mean Ari, why?"

"Shawn, Hailey likes you. She is in love with you.."

"But Ari, why do you say that to me?" "Because I love you as a friend and all I want is that you are happy. And Hailey and I are becoming friends now."

Shawn looks even more confused. I stand up, hug him and go to my own house. I know Shawn now doesn't know what is happening and I don't know either..

When I am home I go back in my bed and cry the rest of the day.

I will never be able to have a relationship with Shawn.. and that hurts me a lot..

Hi! It's me, Famke. I'm so happy I finished this chapter. Thanks to my friend Merle who took the time to check it! Ily💘

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