" Can we talk Ry?"

He got up and an nodded at me. I held out my hand so, he took it an came with me. We went inside in the back hallway.

" So Lacey is your shoulder to cry on now?"

"Don't do this. I don't even like her she just came over to me telling me I deserve better."

I cocked my head to the side and looked at him . It could of been the liquor but something in me had enough of letting it slide with her.

"That's it like she's better then me. I'll show her better."

I went to go back out and he stopped me. I know he could tell I was drunk.

" Relax. "

"No we all know she only pretends to be friends with me cause of you. I don't tell her shit because she's so fake. I'm only cool with her for you. "

I look off my heels and gave them to Ryan. He shook his head in disapproval.

" Ry just hold my shoes and follow me."

I made my puppy face so he nodded ok. We walked out back and Lacey was talking to one of the boys on the football team.

"Lacey!" I yelled.

She turned around frantically. I heard the music stopped and everyone was watching us. I walked down to the pool and got closer to her.

"So you think your better than me! Honestly if you were so much better than me Ryan would of choose you years ago. He didn't though because you're a little fake ass bitch ! "

" You can't talk to me like that!"

I walked closer to where I was infront of her.

" I just did."

Then I pushed her in the pool. "Yoooo," was shouted followed with laughter from everyone. She came up from the water screaming.

" I hate you Raina Evans !"

I walked to Ryan and smirk.

"It's a little funny." I said.

I started giggling hysterically he shook his head at me . I had to pee so Ryan followed me upstairs to the bathroom. He waited outside the door for me.

B walked up to Ryan while I was peeing.

"Hey," B said.

"What?" Ryan replied.

" Why do you have a problem with me?"

"I don't."

" You're a bad liar. Look if it's cause of Raina . We are just friends."

" It's not like she would date you anyway. I'm all she knows."

"Dude don't do the I'm better then you thing. I know you see the way she looks at me and that's why you really don't like me," B said smirking.

"Raina you okay in there?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah I'm about to come out."

I hurried up, flushed ,and washed my hands. Then I open the door Ryan turned to me an B was looking at me smiling.

"Hey B," I said smiling brightly.

" Hey I heard you went full on crazy on Lacey and threw her in the pool."

"Young and Dumb right."

" I was more on the get wasted out of our minds and make out with random people type thing or like Tyler doing backflips into the pool and in the kitchen. You throwing someone in the pool close enough I guess."

AbbieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora