Queen Henrietta

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"Louise, you have to keep in mind what we said about his passive ability to draw girls to him. It's not something he can control" Mom says.

"You made him eat a thousand needles?" Louise said to Kiyohime with a shiver down her spine at the thought.

"I hate lies, I wish the world was rid of lies. So if someone lies to me, I make them eat a thousand needles" Kiyohime says then smiles again

"I'm confused now on who's athoritative over who now" Louise says.

"It's a 2 way street, I obey her orders as she is my princess and I am her protector so she has to listen to me as well" I state "I'll meet you guys at the gate"

POV: Louise

Me, Kiyohime, and (Y/n)'s mom Elizabeth started walking to the front gate of the academy as (Y/n) went off to get Derflinger.

"I bet he went to go see that maid"

Once we reached the gate, I then remembered a name (Y/n) said just a few minutes ago "Do you know who Robin is?" I ask Kiyohime and Elizabeth.

"Oh, she's one of (Y/n) and Kiyohime's childhood friends. She's such a sweet girl, (Y/n) looked after her as much as he could. Sadly a short time after (Y/n) disappeared into this world, she just disappeared. We don't know if she was taken to a different world like (Y/n) was or not" Elizabeth said.

"I suspected that someone took her because a note was left behind in her room" Kiyohime says.

"Are you going to tell (Y/n) about it?" I ask.

"It's better if he doesn't know" Kiyohime tells me "If we told him he would worry and that's all he would think about until she's safe"

"Did you try to find her?"

"We did, everyone looked for her but we couldn't fine one trace of her" Elizabeth tells me.

"I see, so he's protective of everyone he's close to" I say.

"That's just how he is, there's no changing that about him" Kiyohime says.

"His father was the same way. He would go against the entire world to protect our group if he needed to" Elizabeth says.

"(Y/n)'s the same way" Kiyohime adds.

"I'm back" We hear (Y/n) say.

POV: You

After the conversation with Louise, Kiyohime, and mom. I started to walk back to Louise's room and I see a familiar face walking towards me with a basket in her hands.

"Hey Katie, what are you up to?" I say.

"It's nothing really, just going to do some baking that's all" Katie replies.

"I see, can't wait to taste the results" I say with a smile "I'll see you later Katie"

"Okay, I'll see you later" Katie says and we both continue on our own separate ways.

I continued on my way to Louise's room and I see Guiche with Montmorency, who was in a dress while Guiche was in his usual clothing.

The Familiar Of Zero: Dragon (x male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon