"Tear" - Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

He smiled and cried both as he put one arm around me as he lied his wet head in my neck and he gave me hundreds of kisses.

"I-I can never forgive myself, but," He looked up.

"I love you."

He gave me a dreamy gaze as I slowly put pressure on his head so he came closer.

"I love you too."

He kissed me as I heard my brother walking in again.

"I-I guess I should... go again?"

His face looked disgusted as he turned around.

"No, wait!" Jimin quickly grabbed his arm as his grip loosened when Jungkook angrily looked at him.

"I-I also need to apologise to you." His voice sounded quiet as my brothers face got softer again.

"I was so stupid and-" "It's okay." He said with a bored face.

"But Jungkook I-" "One word about what you did again and I'm going to explode. I don't want to be remembered about that."

Jimin quickly nodded as he politely sat down on a chair.

Abraxas' POV
I knew Jimin was there and apologised to everyone. I've had a vision of it while I was fixing my hair. Yet, I also knew something bad would happen...

I quickly walked back as my stomach felt bad. I hated when I had visions, they would always be true.

I'm okay with the fact Jimin apologised, although I liked Mi-Cha, but, when she's happy with this decision I guess I'm okay.

I just don't like my other vision...

I deeply sighed as I stepped in to see Jungkook and Jimin awkwardly sitting there while Jimin's eyes quickly grew bigger.

He turned around on his chair as I approached them while I felt sharp pains in my wrists when I looked at sleeping Mi-Cha. She must be in terrible pain physically and mentally...

"A-Abraxas," his face was surprised and worried.

"I-I guess I got overwhelmed with jealousy and I'm so sorry for the things I've said." He stood up in front of me as I smiled faking my delighted behaviour.

"I would've done the same thing. It's alright." I smiled and padded his shoulder.


After a few hours of talking about cows and calves not saying anything about what had happened the past few months, we suddenly got interrupt by the quick heartbeat of her monitor.

We all looked at each other as this was the moment I had feared since that vision.

Jungkook's POV
I quickly stood up to wake my sister as I had never felt this anxious.

"Mi-Cha?" I slowly touched her shoulders as she didn't move.

"S-Sister?" I softly shook her as nothing happened while I froze by the heat of her skin.

I quickly put my head on her head as it felt hot as hell while I saw Jimin standing up to look for a doctor.

Her cheeks also were extremely pink as Abraxas stood up not knowing what to do either.

Jimin's POV
After I had called a doctor for help, he had told us she had fever because her wounds were infected.

"What?!" Jungkook yelled at the doctor as he was standing before the boy with red eyes and long fangs. The doctors face got pale and his eyes got big.

"What do you mean by 'we can't do anything'?!"

The man didn't respond and only quietly looked at the monstrous facial features.

"Please," Abraxas relaxedly said as I only felt extremely bad.

"I'm sorry for my friends behaviour, he just," he looked to Jungkook and back at the man as I sat down next to my precious wife.

"He's just a little moody." He forced a smile as he quickly walked the man out while Jungkook angrily looked at the odd eyed-boy.

"Why can you stay that relaxed?!" He yelled as his cheeks got red of anger while tears could only form in my eyes while quietly holding her hands, overthinking my past sins.

"She's dying and you just stay calm!" He said as Abraxas didn't respond.

"You should sh-"


Our six eyes immediately looked at the heart monitor and back at Mi-Cha.

Mi-Cha's POV
I opened my eyes as I didn't feel the pain anymore. Yes! I had made it!

I slowly looked around and stood up as I wanted to hug Jimin and the others.

But, where had they gone?


No answer.

"Jung... kook?"

Again no answer.

I wanted to turn around and look for them, but instead, a familiar person I hadn't seen in ages stood behind me.


Abraxas' POV
After I had gotten a doctor I quickly walked away to a quiet place.

I was shocked by the sad faces of Jimin and Jungkook as I hated to see them grieving this much.

When arriving in the library of the hospital, I quickly sat down on one of the chairs as I closed my eyes.

I had to safe her, even if it costed my own life.

Jungkook's POV
My anger slowly got replaced for grieve as Jimin was crying and walking to the other side of the room not showing his face after seeing nothing worked to wake her up.

The doctors slowly passed me and walked away as I needed to express my sadness in the form of anger again.

"We're sorry, we-"

"You are... sorry?" I noticed my eyes getting red as the only thing I wanted to do was hurt someone.

"How could you NOT save her?!"

I quickly grabbed one of the men and threw him on the ground as Jimin quickly grabbed me.

"Stop," he quietly said as the man struggled to get up before he ran away.

"No!" I screamed as I kicked in the air. "She still can be survived! And I-"

He quickly turned me around as I looked to the quiet heart monitor.

"Don't you understand?"

It suddenly slowly hit me as I didn't want to cry.

"She can't be saved anymore... Not this time."

"Tear" - Park Jimin AU Where stories live. Discover now