"Yeah were both proud of you," Mark said as he sipped on his sprite.

"I was so nervous but after praying hard and encouragement from my man I went in and it was a breeze,"

"Okay you and Jayceon still going strong?" Tina asked.

"Yes, Girl I love him so much, we had a little fight once but we got over it and today a lot happened we found out Pj had been beating on Ariel,"

"What?" Mark asked as he dropped his fork.

"Yes Mark, Jayceon whopped his ass, like he really spazzed out on him, it scared me a little bit," I said honestly.

"What you think he'd hurt you?" Mark asked.

"I don't know.... yes I guess... I- I never saw that side of him before the man that I saw wasn't the man that I had fallen in love with, he was somebody else," I said shaking my head and while playing with the ring Jayceon had given me.

"Maybe you should talk to him about it," Tina said.

"I am," I said sighing. I was going to talk to him, hopefully he understood where I was coming from.


Amber -

I don't know maybe it was something that I had eaten that had me feeling this way, but I wanted to throw up. I don't know why but I went in Walgreens for some ginger ale and left with ginger ale and two pregnancy test.

Me and Jayceon never used condoms. I know the doctor said due to my surgery I would never have kids but I didn't want to believe that in the future I wanted to give Jayceon as many kids as he wanted. I wanted Harlem to have siblings.

Before making it to my car I had to find the nearest garbage can. I made it just in time before throwing up all over my self. I grabbed some napkins out my purse and wiped my mouth. Walking in the McDonald's I washed my hands and cleaned myself up.

While in there I decided to take both pregnancy tests. After waiting they both said positive. All I could do was cry tears of joy, I didn't want to get my hopes up, to be safe I called my doctor and scheduled an appointment for in the morning. Excitedly I wrapped the test up put them in the garbage can. I was hoping and praying that I was pregnant


Jayceon -

I was still a little upset from earlier. I had picked up Harlem from Kendrick's crib. I had given him a bath, fed him and now he was upstairs in bed sleep.

I was downstairs in the basement with my music blasting as I was working out. I went from lifting weights, to hitting my punching bag, to push ups. I did this for about three hours. I stopped and went to the kitchen to grab me a bottle of water. It was 8:30 I was just about to call Amber when the door opened I thought it was her but it was Ariel.

"Hey," she said with her head down.

"Wassup," I said opening my bottle of water and taking a sip.

"Jayceon I just wanted to apologize about earlier, thank you for defending me," she said with her head down.

"Hey, you're family I always protect my family I'm not gone let nobody hurt you or your sister," She nodded her head before leaving and going upstairs.

After drinking my bottle of water I heated up some leftovers. Afterwards I went upstairs grabbing a towel and running some bath water. My body was sore as fuck. I rolled up a few blunts before getting in the whirl pool tub. I turned on the tv that was hooked up in the bathroom.

While smoking my blunt, Amber knocked on the door, she came in taking off her clothes. She got in the tub with me. I grabbed her waist and she looked down at me.

"can we talk?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said as I turned off the tv and put my blunt out.

"Babe what happened earlier is still lingering in my mind, the look that you had in your eyes scared me. I have never seen you like that, and it had me thinking,"

"Thinking about what?" I sighed already knowing where this conversation was going.

"How many people have you killed babe?" She asked me as she touched my chest.

"Babe I-"

"Answer me be honest," she said.

"Too many to count," I replied.

"Recent or present,"

"Both," I responded.

She got up from out the tub grabbing her towel. "Babe can you let me explain," I said grabbing my towel.

"Baby," I said grabbing her. I picked her up putting her on top of the sink.

"Babe listen, I was afraid sooner or later a lot of this shit would come out and you would finally learn shut about I'm not saying what I did was right it's just earlier that shit with PJ brought back memories, memories of my step pops and my moms,"

"What happened," she asked.

"He used to beat on her, one day I came to her rescue, it ended up not too good for him, I killed him and me and Kendrick hid the body, we promised not to ever talk about that shit no more, I've made a lot of mistakes in this life, some I'm not proud of, so if you don't wanna be with me I understand," I said about to leave.

She grabbed me and pulled me down for a kiss. "I'm never leaving you baby, I'm always going to be by your side, but I have to be honest, I'm a little scared,"

"Bae you ain't got nothing to be scared of, I promise you I'm gone always hold you down, and I'm never gone hurt you ever I would put my life down to make sure you safe baby, I ain't gone never hurt you," I said tears in my eyes I meant that shit I was in love with Amber. I ain't never been in love with anybody else the way I was in love with her.

"I love you so much Jayceon,"

"I love you more baby," I picked her up as Our lips met each other's. She ran her fingers in my hair as I smacked on her ass. I laid her down on our bedroom not once breaking our kiss.

"Baby, promise me that you won't kill anyone else, find it in your heart to be forgiving," she said with pleading eyes.

"Baby I can't promise you that, but I can try I mean I'm trying,"

"That's all that counts, I don't wanna loose you to these streets Jayceon. Baby I know you will protect me and keep me safe, but I wanna protect you and keep you safe but how can I do that if you're out here being reckless,"

Nobody had ever said that shit to me I knew for a fact I had to put a ring on this girls finger and make her my wife. She was my rib. My queen always thinking about me, I pecked her lips before climbing on top of her I was gonna make love to her all night long.


It was now 3:30 am and I was outside smoking a blunt. Amber had just showered and gotten back in bed. What she said still had me thinking. All them questions of doubt was gone I knew I had a woman who was down for me I was just hoping my dumb ass didn't fuck it up.

"Baby come back to bed right now!" Amber half sleep ass yelled. That shit Lowkey turned me on. Smirking I put my blunt out walking back in our room I kicked my shoes off and stepped out my jogging pants. I unzipped my hoodie and climbed back in bed. I slapped Amber hard on her butt and she whimpered.

"Baby that hurt," he said as she hit my chest.

"Fuck you yelling at girl," I said before pecking her lips.

"You, I wanna cuddle babe," she said as she laid in my arms. I grabbed her waist and pecked her lips several times.

"You wanted to cuddle with your king huh?" I asked as I tickled her.

"Yes babe," she giggled

"King," she said half sleep before rolling over.


"That's what I wanna name him," Confused I looked at her and touched her stomach. Nah the doctors said she couldn't get pregnant. But was she?

Hurt The Same || The Game X Amber Riley Where stories live. Discover now