"Upstairs in her room." I said sipping on some white wine. "Come here."

He kissed me and raised one eyebrow, "Yes babe?"

"I love you." I said making him smile.

"I love you to baby."

"I wanna hurry up and get married Zachariah." He walked to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle.

"How soon?"

"Next month. Baby...I can't wait anymore" I said sipping on some more wine. 

"Whatever you want baby girl, you can get."

"I have some news." I said making him raise one eyebrow. I pulled a pregnancy test out my pocket and gave it to him.

"You pregnant?" He asked making me nod. A big smile spread across his face which made me smile, "HELL YEA! MY BABY GIVING ME ANOTHER BABY!"

I laughed and put my wine down. He came up to me kissing me everywhere on my body turning me on, "Thats how I'm pregnant now."

"Naw this how you pregnant." He said starting to grind on my lower area.

"why you teasing." He raised one eyebrow and picked me up. He carried me down to the basement and laid me down on the bed. In just a second he was giving me strokes making me moan.

Zala Hill 

"Chase...." I said making him turn around to face me. I had pepper spray in case i needed to use it. I dropped all his belongings in front of him.

"What's this for?"

"I can't do this anymore. I'm tired. Look at my face." I said as my lip started quiver.

"Bitch, what did I say would happen if you tried to leave me?" He said drawing his gun for his waist.

"You said you'll kill me."

"But the route your going either way it goes you'll kill me. This relationship is healthy. You can burn my stuff I don't want it." He pushed me into the lockers hard and got in my face.

"Did you think I was playing Zala?" He said putting all his body weight on me while he put the gun to my head.

"No, I believe you. If you love me so much why kill me? Being with you isn't making me happy."

"I don't give a fuck about your happiness. Everyone knows that you're mine and I will blow their brains out if they even look at you But you...you tryna leave me?" 

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO ME!! I'M COVERING IN BRUISES, SCRATCHES, AND BLACK EYES!!! YOU MADE ME LOOK UGLY ! I DON'T SMILE ANYMORE CHASE BECAUSE YOU CONTINUOUSLY KEEP HURTING ME AND YOU WON'T LET ME GO JUST LET ME GO!!!!" I yelled in his face as tears ran down my face. He threw the gun down and grabbed my neck started to big my head on the locker.

"BITCH YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE GET THAT THROUGH YOUR DUMB ASS HEAD! I TOLD YOU WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE GETTING INTO WITH ME AND YOU WANTED THIS SO YOU GOT IT!" He said continuing to hit my head on the locker. At one point the feeling became numb so he stopped. "Shit..." 

I felt behind my head and felt liquid a lot of it. 

"I'm sorry." He said picking me up kissing on my neck. "I'm sorry. I love you Zala just don't leave me."

My eyes closed close completely.


Azariah Williams

"Wam bitch yas." Morgan said as I walked out the dresser room showing her this wedding dress.

"Bitch are you always loud?" Georgia asked side eyeing her.

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