Chapter 9

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7 missed calls from Tony, 2 from Steve, 5 from Bucky, 1 from Wanda and 3 from Natasha. A couple of 50 text message. A few voice mails too.
You ignore them all while you start jogging with Hope, glad you were still wearing your training clothes.
You have been gone for at least two hours now and you are not planning to go back now either, too mad at Tony for what he said.
Hope is panting next to you so you slow down and walk around. You stop at a little shop and enter to buy some water for the both of you.
The woman behind the counter isn't happy with Hope but allows it since you are quick with your purchase.
Outside you give Hope some water, having learned her how to drink from a bottle because it is convenient.
You take a few sips of your own bottle. The ringing of your mobile phone is starting to annoy you so you pick up.
"Are you okay?" Rhodey.
"Yeah. Leave me alone I have to think. I'll be back before supper."
You end the call and start walking again.

You walk around for a few more hours before walking back to the tower. Taking the elevator up, you open the door and unleash a tired Hope.

She directly walks to the kitchen where her water bowl is located.
"She's back." You hear Wanda say as she comes into view a few moments later.
"Where is Mr. Stark?"
Wanda's eyes go wide but she response that his is in his lab. "Good."

You walk past her to the kitchen and take out a little snack.
Walking to the living room you see the others, hurt written across their faces. Some hide it a bit better than the others but it is still evident.

"I'm not mad at you. I am at Stark. I just had to go out to clear my head for a bit. I'm fine and I am sorry I worried you all. I'm okay now."
You look at every single one of them, feeling a pang of guilt when you see Steve and Bucky's face. They look worried and a bit panicked but they hid it well. Yet you know them well enough to actually see it.

"What's for supper?"
"We ordered pizza's, JARVIS order for you. He thinks to have analysed you well enough to know what your favourite is."
"JARVIS what did you order me?"

"I ordered you a pizza with mozzarella, pesto and extra tomatoes. Was this a correct analysis of mine?"
"It's perfect. Thank you."
"You are welcome."

After that the tension seems to leave a bit. You go up to your room to write some things down to let go of the lingering anger at Tony.
A knock on your door.
Bucky and Steve walk in slowly, careful.

"Erm, we wanted to know if you are okay?" Steve starts.
Bucky rolls his eyes, "what he means is that we want to know what Tony said to make you that mad."
"He's holding on to the jet thing that happened on the mission. I asked if he could update JARVIS so he could help me out a bit when I am blind. He started about the mission and what happened. So I said he'd rather have me dead and I will keep that in mind for the next mission."
"Djeezus, he's an asshole." Bucky exclaims. "Don't do anything stupid on mission please." Steve says.
"I won't" you promise.

JARVIS mentioned that the pizzas have arrived.
"What about a little relax evening? Pizza, movie and just us three?" Bucky says.
You don't miss the warning look Steve gives his lover.
"Sounds good to me."

"I'll go and grab the pizza, Steve, you are in charge of beverages and snacks for later. Doll, you are in charge of the movie." You salute the two with a laugh, earning an eyeroll from both of them.
Less than an hour later you are laying between the two super soldiers, snacking on some fruits while cursing at the guy on the screen. "He shouldn't have let her go! Go run after her idiot!" you yell at the screen. "He's an idiot." You mutter as the guy stays put instead of following the girl he loves.
"I hate this movie. He should've run after her! I don't want to watch this cruelty anymore." You say.
You can feel Steve's laugh.

"I'm serious. He's a douche! He'll end up with her and I don't think he deserves her now after this. Nope! I'm done with this. I want to watch something else."
"But what about the sister with that guy?" Bucky says, teasingly.
You grumble, he's right. You are curious about the sister. The two soldiers put their arm around you, but intertwining their fingers. It's weirdly intimate, yet not uncomfortable. And that is how the three of you keep watching the movie until it is finished.

"As I predicted, the asshole gets the girl!" you grumble.
"But the sister gets closure." "And a friend who she starts to love." Bucky finishes Steve's sentence.

You lay like this for a bit, all ignoring the elephant in the room for a bit.

"We should move to your room." You say, looking up to the two guys.
"I'm comfortable here." Bucky says stubborn.
Rolling your eyes you look at Steve who just shrugs.

You sit up and turn around. "You better get into a comfortable position not near the edge of the bed."
He looks at you with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Get your head of the gutter Buck."
Steve grins but seemingly allows this... flirting.

Bucky settles himself in the middle of the bed next to Steve. Both holding hands.
"You'll be fine James, nothing to be worried about." You say reassuring, using his first name to tell him how serious this situation is. Sitting on your knees next to him, you look at him in question.
He takes a deep breath before nodding. You put your fingers at his temple and focus. You start unravelling the triggers. It's like unravelling a tight knot before vanishing the foreign parts in his brain.
Jaw tense, you keep focussing on the task. Trying to not let them show how much it hurts you, how much it takes out of you.

Having unravelled another one, you slowly stop. Making sure not to stop abruptly, you disconnect your gift to his nerve system.
Opening your eyes you see nothing, as expected.
"How are you feeling?" you ask, hating how your voice sounds. The pain, the exhaustion.
"I'm fine, just... tired."
"Go to sleep, you can stay here. You too Steve." You say as you get up from the bed.

"Where are you going?"
"Bathroom. I'll be back."
You feel around for the door handle. "Bit more to the left." Steve says. You smile as you feel the handle, opening the door and going in the room.
At the sink you splash some water on your face and wrists to cool down and become a bit more alert.

The things you saw while de-triggering. It hurts to know the pain he went through, the burden he carries with him.
After drying off your face and wrists you walk back to the room and carefully slip under the covers of your bed, softly falling asleep to the breathing of the two sleeping soldiers. 

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