Chapter 36

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"Let's start with the ones we know for sure." Tony's voice holds a smile.

"Sure, I'm a Domme." Natasha starts.
"Switch for me." Loki continues.
"In the bedroom, I'm a sub." Clint reveals.
"Switch, for sure." Tony's voice holds so many untold stories.
"And then we have Bucky. Y/n wanna guess, because I see you blushing." Natasha asks.
"I cannot see Bucky's face. I have no clue if he would be okay with guessing."
"We discussed to let you guess me. I'm okay with that." Bucky says, wrapping his arm around you.

There is something you are missing, you're sure.
"You're a Dom." You say, pretty confidently.
"Now on to the people not included in the discussion?" Sam asks, he sounds like he wants to know but also like he wants to leave through a hole in the ground.

"We're pretty sure you are a sub, Sam. In the bedroom that is." Clint says.
"How would that work? It's been pretty vanilla in the bedroom."
"Did you do whatever your partner at the time asked of you? Did you let them take over? Or did you order them around? Or both? And does it turn you on?" You ask, trying to keep it pretty vanilla and simple.
"Aaaah, okay, yes, you are not wrong then."

"Rhodey, you wanna go next?"
"Yeah sure. What do you guys have for crazy ideas about me?"
"You're either a Dom or switch, so you tell us."
"Switch, leaning a lot to Dom, only sub with the right partner."
"Makes sense why we couldn't figure it out." Tony mentions.

This leaves Steve and you as the only ones not being exposed yet.
"Steve first." Clint says.
You feel Steve take you hand before you feel him leaning over you a bit.
"Want to tell me, Buck?"
There is an insertion of hunger in Steve's tone making you squeeze his hand.
"You're our sub." Bucky whispers, intertwining his fingers with both you and Steve.
"And damn proud of it too."

"We'll need to have a nice conversation later." Bucky whispers so only Steve and you can hear it. It makes you shiver and you feel Steve sharply breathing in.
You bite your lip before smiling, "I am the only one left. Hit me with your best shot." You say with a smile.

"We concluded that we can't know for sure.
Some of us say Domme, some of us say sub and there are those that say switch."
"There is not enough of you to not make a conclusion or rule one out." You say confused.
"In normal circumstances, yes, but the one that would fall away holds a very solid argument."

"Who guessed what, out of curiosity."
"Loki and Natasha think you're a Domme, Clint and I are pretty sure you're a sub, Bucky has this really solid argument that says you're a switch, but it's not solid enough to make us sure." Tony explains.

"And I guess you want me to give a final answer?" You ask teasingly.
"Yes, Doll, please do tell them."
"I am indeed a switch, like Bucky says. You should have trusted my boyfriend's intuition."
"No way." Natasha says, "I can't even imagine you in a sub position."
"Oh, you should've seen her..."
"No! Shush! No telling our bedroom stories, Bucky! Especially not now. We will have some serious talking later because what if this conversation never came up? I would never know! There could be so many things I am missing out on because we never talked about this."
"Bucky's idea, he didn't want to scare you off."
"Why don't you just throw me in front of a bus?" If you could see, you are sure Bucky rolled his eyes and looked exasperated.

"It's kind. But imagine, just imaging all the possibilities that we can only now explore. They don't even have to be se..."
"Stopping you right there, I do not need to know a word more of that sentence." Sam stops you.

"Sir, the take out has arrived." Jarvis mentions
"I'll get it." Tony mentions before you hear him walk away.

Your brain is still reeling a bit from the possibilities that might open up.
"Wait a second..." You start, turning to Bucky.
"How... I... How did you guess that?"
"That you are a switch?" He sounds not-impressed.
"Yeah. I think I've been pretty sub in the bedroom."
"Oh sweety, no. Not always." Steve whispers in your ear.
"It's subtle but you have taken charge on things. Sometimes even overriding Bucky. Without him getting frustrated of course."
"I did?"
"Yes, Doll, you did. And that is more than okay. You did nothing wrong."

You hear the elevator open again.
"So, food's here. You know where the cutlery is, the boxes has on them for who it is, yes we paid extra for that."
You want to get up but are stopped by Tony's voice again.
"Y/n, spoon? Fork? Chop sticks?"
"Spoon please, I don't want to make a mess with chop sticks now."
"Coming right up."

You feel Steve stand up, Bucky is still seated.
"There you go." Tony says as he puts it in your hands, making sure you hold it right and are at no risk of burning yourself.
"Thank you, Tony."
"Of course."

Steve sits down again and you feel something being handed to Bucky.
The group eats with a light-hearted conversation going on. When everyone is done eating and everything is put in the dishwasher, Sam announces that he is out of here to prevent further identity crises.

You grin as you wish him a good night.
"I'd say we go to our rooms too, boys!" You say with a teasing smile as you get up and hold out your hands for them to grab on to.

"Sounds about right, Doll." Bucky whispers in your ear once he is standing behind you.
"Well, goodnight everyone." Steve says as he takes your hand and leads you away.
"Night everyone." You tell the others before you disappear in the elevator with your two super boyfriends.

You are so ready for this conversation!

A/n: don't you worry. I'm just going to add in a little bit of kink, but I'm not making it a full BDSM scene thing. That's not this kind of story, and it isn't tagged as that kind of story. I will add in very important parts like the conversation safe words, ... In the story, but like I said there won't be full on BDSM scenes. There might be some more spice in the bedroom scenes, though.

Also, I couldn't contain myself! I had to upload this and hear what you guys thought! If you have other opinions or not. Just curious hhahah!

Hope you had fun reading!

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