Chapter 8

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It has been three weeks of training with Bucky, Steve, Natasha and even Rhodey. You're sight was back, but you kept on working on the blind part by wearing a blindfold. You made a lot of progress, even felt a bit stronger than before.
Tony and you weren't on talking terms yet, while you tried to apologise against everyone's protests of doing it.
Bucky and you still had to talk. Every time you tried he changed the subject or left.
That was until during a training with Bucky and Steve.

Bucky had you pinned down and you tried to move him off of you. You used some techniques Natasha teached you.
You felt the shift immediately. You triggered him with some kind of touch combination.
Cursing you quickly tries to touch his head, but he moves quick too. Your hands are locked up in the hold of his metal arm.

"Let me go Buck."
"No." He sounds detached, just like how he used to be when he was brainwashed.
"Your trick doesn't work now."
You hear Steve curse, something he barely does as he is against cursing.
Only in grave situations you heard him curse.
"JARVIS, lock all doors please. Don't let anyone get out or know what is happening. If they ask tell them it's an order of mine. Warn me when Clint is in the vents please."
"Of course Ms L/N."

You hear the locks click and look over at Steve.
He looks torn, unsure what to do as to not hurt you but also not to hurt his lover.

"You're not on a mission. Let me go."
You try to move him by using your legs. Trying to turn him over with one on his waist while you're other pushes. Doesn't work. You try all other techniques but he is too good. Too strong. "Darn it Bucky, let me go! Now!"
A simple but harsh no is your answer. You look back at Steve, pleading to help you. He moves and sits down on Bucky's back, hands around his neck pushing up, not strangling. "Let her go Buck."
Bucky growls but keeps his hand on your wrists, but moves as to throw Steve of.

It doesn't work.

So you take a deep breath and push out from under him. Hearing your shoulders dislocate. Bucky lets go.
Groaning in pain you move your shoulders until they snap back in place. It still hurts. Steve looks in horror at you, Bucky looks neutral, but you saw the panic on his face. He's not fully gone yet.

"Buck, look at me." He looks into your eyes. "You're here at the Avengers Tower. You're not at Hydra. You're safe." You keep repeating the words again and again until you see recognition in Bucky's eyes.

"Welcome back. We have to talk, now." Bucky looks in panic at Steve.
"I want you to tell me about everything so we can slowly unwind your triggers, deactivate them. It'll take days, but it has to be done. You were triggered on a mission and I accidently triggered you while we trained. There is no option to ignore it anymore so talk. Preferably now."

"Y/N, maybe we should wait?" Steve asks.
You shake your head, "no, the sooner the better."

And so Bucky starts to tell his horrifying story of his time in Hydra. The freezing and de-freezing, the shocks, the triggers, ... All of it. You were in tears when he finished and without thinking you hugged him.
"I'm so sorry." You say when tears steadily keeps flowing over your cheeks.

Steve hugs the both of you, feeling emotional too. Even when he already knew the story, it still hurts to hear him tell it again.

"I'm going to help you. Take the rest of the day to rest and relax, we'll have the first session tonight so afterwards you can just sleep."

They both nod.
You ask JARVIS to unlock everyone again. The doors click open again and you leave the training room to go to your room and prepare for a long period of blindness. You make outfit combinations and lay them down on the shelves. You put Hope's harness on the nightstand. You lay down the shoes so you know which one is where. You feel someone is standing in the door opening. Watching. Finishing the last couple of things you turn around.

"Looks like you are preparing." Natasha says. You nod, turning back to your room and looking if you missed something.
"You locked us in."
"I did."
"No explanation?"
"No." You walk passed Natasha and knock on Steve and Bucky's door.
Steve opens up. "Hope needs to be walked at times, can you do that? I'll go for a long walk today so she should be good for a day."
"Of course."
Thanking him you leave to go to the kitchen before leaving for Tony's lab you know you can't enter.

"JARVIS be a dear and tell Tony to let me in. Tell him it's urgent."
No answer but you know JARVIS has told Tony because the door slides open. You enter and look around to see where Tony is.
Locating him you walk to his workbench and sit down on his chair.
"I need you to upgrade JARVIS so he can help me out around the tower when I am blind."
"You want me to do what exactly after you pulled that stunt on me in the jet?"

You tense before answering, "You'd rather have had me dead then. Okay, I remember that for next time. Thank you Mr. Stark." You walk out, ignoring him when he calls for you.

"Hope?" you call out while heading to the door. You take the leash that hangs on a hanger in the hallway. You hear your dog rushing to you before leashing her up and walking out the door, making sure the slam can be heard in the whole tower. 

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