Chapter Thirty-two

Start from the beginning

Cassiopeia was switching off the lights of the living room, intending to go to bed, when suddenly an unearthly green light illuminated the front yard and died away.

Cassiopeia stopped dead in her tracks and held her breath. She would know this light anywhere, she had unfortunately seen it far too many times in her life.

With a swift movement she drew her wand. Her heart was beating loudly. Slowly she tiptoed to the entrance door and peered through the window next to the door. There was nothing to be seen.

Cassiopeia took a deep breath, holding her wand at the ready. Then she carefully opened the door a crack. She could see someone standing a little down the path in the shadows of the trees. On the ground there was a dark heap, probably the curse's target. She narrowed her eyes, trying to make out any details.

In this moment the figure who was standing in the shadows looked up and right into her face. Cassiopeia was just about to cast a curse when the moon appeared from behind the heavy clouds and illuminated the yard. In the pale moonlight Cassiopeia recognized the stranger immediately.

She exhaled slowly and lowered her wand. Tom was looking back at her, a strange expression on his face and his eyes clearly not as detached as usual. Cassiopeia didn't move. Somehow his expression was frightening.

With a few quick strides Tom walked over to her, and she opened the door a little further to let him inside. He wordlessly stepped into the hall. Cassiopeia closed the door behind him, leaning with her back against it.

Silence filled the hall. So far neither of them had said a word.

Cassiopeia watched Tom, an uncomfortable feeling of anxiety swirling in her stomach. Why didn't he say anything? She bit her lip and whispered, "Tom?"

Tom turned to look at her. "You can't stay here. It's not safe anymore."

Cassiopeia stared back at him. "What?"

"I caught someone spying on you outside."

Cassiopeia's eyes widened. "What?" she repeated incredulously. "Spying? On me? But why would anyone spy on me? I don't hold any power. This is not my war."

Tom looked back at her, clenching his jaw. "Don't be naive. Of course this is your war, just as it's mine." He glanced at the wizard's wand that he was still holding in his hand. "They probably think they can use you to get to me," he stated matter-of-factly.

Cassiopeia quirked an eyebrow and a bitter smirk crossed her face. "But that's nonsense. Nothing gets to you."

Tom didn't reply. He wasn't so sure about that anymore and he knew he couldn't afford to find out. "You still have to leave," he finally said.

Cassiopeia shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere. My family has lived here for centuries. This is my home." Her voice was determined.

Tom clenched his jaw even harder. How he hated her stubbornness. How he hated not being able to control her. His gaze locked with hers and for a moment they stared at each other before Tom huffed, "Then we need to put further protection on this house. Shields, wards, whatever you can think of."

Cassiopeia nodded, trying to collect herself.

Suddenly a thought came to her mind. "I remember my father telling me about some ancient protection spells on this property. I could try to activate them."

"Well, then do it." Tom watched Cassiopeia walk back into the living room and to an old painting, pointing her wand at it. After a moment the painting started to change, revealing multiple lines of incantations on the canvas.

Stolen Time  A Tom Marvolo Riddle Fanfiction completedWhere stories live. Discover now