are you scared?

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A/N- so i wrote this quickly in class and it's pretty bad so beware but please read lmaO

also sorry it's in first person POV


his hand was placed firmly on the wall behind me. he had this presence I couldn't exactly describe. the cold of the hollow drywall pressed on my back ran through me. much taller than I, he looked down at me. I remained staring straight forward, my eyes level with his chest, though I took him in with my peripheral vision.

his mossy hair was brushed back, spiky and unkempt. I barely had to look into his one remaining eye to know the way it made me shiver, his ever-changing chocolate iris. the absence of light in the room made it appear cold and black. I felt the urge to trace the scar that went from above his brow to his cheekbone, forever sealing his left eye.

it remained silent. he took a breath.

"do I scare you?" he barely whispered. it wasn't exactly true. I didn't know how i felt about him to be quite honest, i hadn't given it much thought. but in this moment his exuding dominant energy kept me quiet. his free hand placed a finger below my chin and raised it, forcing me to meet his gaze.

"do I?"

I shook my head.

"then what is it? that makes you act this way now?" his voice was deep, and low. it sent a chill down the length of my body. I opened my mouth softly to answer, i gave i stuttered inhale. I was infatuated with him, that's what it was. his voice, his aura, his beauty. just looking at him made me feel like i was his, oh how gladly i would be. I wondered how smooth his tanned skin would feel under my fingertips, how his arms would feel in a tight embrace. he still waited patiently for my answer.

"how... do i make you feel?" i asked, barely thinking. I knew he wouldn't expect this answer. I hoped to catch him off guard, to get his raw, real answer; he was usually a man of few words. his face betrayed him in this moment, hence it was prone to flushing, as it did now. the tables had slightly turned. he contemplated whether to answer me or not.

"you must really be that oblivious, huh?" he stated in a hushed tone. a gust of wind came through the ship's window, his long golden earrings blew gently, my hair fluttered in front of my eyes. he removed his finger from my chin and grabbed the wisps in his fingers. after looking at them for a second, he placed them behind my ear and returned his eyes to mine.

"you make me feel.." he paused, "i-i'm not even sure. there aren't words i can use to describe it. when i saw you laughing yesterday, i felt bubbles in my chest. when you smile, i feel tingles in my skin. you probably have never even noticed, but when you're around, i feel the urge to smile, to succumb to how i.. how i feel. you help me enjoy day to day things, things i look past that you find marvelous, like the smallest cloud in the sky, or a tiny shimmering seashell," he went on. i couldn't help but sit quiet and listen. my hands were shaking, i could feel it, i relaxed my previously tense shoulders.

"you are my polar opposite. bright and happy, a ray of the sun. you bring out another side of me. you are my weakness. i can't keep my usual cool around you, only you. talking to you flusters me, seeing you do something stupid makes me want to giggle like a schoolgirl." his face got a deeper shade of pink, visible even in the dim light. i had noticed he broke eye contact a long time ago; his free hand was clutching his pants nervously. i have never seen this side of the cold-fronted man. maybe i was as oblivious as he had said, for i had never even noticed that when he smiled, he was always looking at me.

"i- i-" he went on. but before he finished his sentence, i wrapped my arms around his core, pulling myself to him. it took him awhile, but he took his hand off the wall and embraced me back. he was warm and smelled of just the right amount cologne; i buried my face in his muscular chest. i was a great deal smaller than him, his toned arms wrapped all the way around me, holding me tightly. he pressed his face to my hair. I heard his heart, beating quickly, and silently smiled knowing it was my doing. so this is what it felt like to hug roronoa zoro.

"...i love you."

A/N- woahoho that was awful my apologies; please send me request i love you

tata for now my boys, girls, and others :))

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