Chapter 1: I'm Home!

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Thank you guys so much for all the support! I appreciate you all! Let's get right into it!!


-3 Years Later-

Your POV

I smiled as I put away the last of my clothes in the dresser. Right when my ass was about to hit the bed I heard a knock at my window. I looked over to it and saw Tooru on the other side with a goofy grin while waving. I laughed and ran over to open the window for him. Tooru quickly came in and quickly pulled me into a hug. I quickly kissed him out of instinct. He kissed back for a while before we abruptly pulled away.

"Sorry," I laughed awkwardly. "Old habit."

"You're fine," He said while laughing a little, then enthusiastically screaming "Welcome home!" 

"Thank you," I replied with a smile. "It's good to be back. Three whole years huh?" I asked while plopping onto my bed.

"I can't believe you haven't been back for any holidays until now. It's been the longest three years without my- um- best friend right next door." He said while awkwardly laughing off the last part causing me to giggle. Tooru sat down next to me and started talking again. "But never mind that, how was America?"

"Oh my god Tooru it was amazing. I made so many new friends and America is amazing in general. But it can't compare at all to Japan, I missed it here so much." I said with a smile. The door to my bedroom suddenly flew open and a small figure flew my way and crashed on top of me.

"YOU'RE BACK! YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE! OH MY GOD!" Katsumi screamed. I gave a small chuckle as I was crushed by the small girl hugging me.

"Sorry, I tried to stop her. " Came Hajime's voice.  After a while, Katsumi stopped her screaming and sat down on the other side of me.

"Oh, hi Tooru, didn't see you there." She said with a smile.

"I don't know how you could have at the speed you attacked (F/N) with." He said, causing me to giggle. Katsumi glared at him.

"I want to know everything. What are your friends like? What's America like? Is it better here or there? What kind of foods did you eat? OH YEA WHERE IS TORYN I THOUGHT YOU BROUGHT HIM WITH YOU?" She bombarded.

"Calm down Katsumi." I said while giggling.

"Sorry." She said while stopping herself and also laughing. "But for real, you said he was coming. Where is he? I want to meet him in real life. I can't tell if he is good enough just from a call." She said while cracking her knuckles. 

"He's at his hotel right now." I said while giggling. "He's very jet lagged and not yet accustomed to Japan time."

"Who is Toryn?" I heard Tooru's voice ask and I tensed up. I forgot he was there.

"My boyfriend." I answered awkwardly. 

"Oh?" He asked, giving a slightly weird look.

"We've been together for almost a year and a half now. I brought him along to spend Christmas with us and meet the family. Tooru, your family still does Christmas with ours, right?" I asked.

"Yea, they do." He said.

"By the way (F/N), the old volleyball team decided to throw a party since we are all back in Japan for a while." Hajime said, breaking the tension in the air. 

"Oh! That will be great!" I said while excitedly clapping.

"You can bring Toryn so the whole team can meet this amazing boyfriend." Tooru said trying to sound excited, but bitterness visible in his tone.

"I'll be sure to bring him." I said while smiling at Tooru sweetly. My phone started to ring and I saw a picture of me and my boyfriend pop up on the screen. "Speaking of the king." I said while picking up my phone and answering it, switching into fluent English for my boyfriend to understand.

Y- Rise and shine male sleeping beauty!

T- Hi. I'm so confused I forgot where I was for a second.

Y- Would you like for me to come pick you up?

T- Yes please.

Y- Okay baby I'll be over in a few minutes. Get ready.

T- Okay. I love you.

Y- Love you too.

"You going to pick him up?" Katsumi asked. 

"Yup. Anyone wanna come?" I asked. All of their hands shot up. I giggled. "Okay, let's go!"

"I call shotgun!" Tooru yelled while running to the car. I giggled as I followed the three people I missed the most.


"We're here!" I announced as we got to the hotel. I parked my car and we exited and walked into the hotel. We got into the elevator and went up a couple floors, then walked to his room. I got out the key-card Toryn gave me and opened his door while walking in with the three. "We've got company Toryn!" I announced in English.

"Company?" I heard him ask as he walked out of the bedroom he quickly pecked my lips and looked over at the three. "Ah! Your friends and the brother." He said.

"They all understand English so you don't have to worry about language." I said. "Toryn understand Japanese and speaks it but not very fluently, so I usually stick to English with him." I explained to the others. "Anyways, Toryn, meet Hajime, Katsumi, and Tooru." 

"It's so nice to meet you all." Toryn said while shaking each of their hands and making small conversation with each. Once he made it to Tooru, he stopped. "So you're the famous Oikawa Tooru I've heard all about." He asked with a smirk.

"All good things I hope. But, I frankly have never heard about you until today." Tooru said while smirking back. 

"Tooru!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry (N/N)." Tooru replied while averting his gaze away from Toryn's.

"Shall we go?" I asked.

"Okay Toryn I'm going to bombard you with questions in the car. Don't be alarmed, it's just to know if you are good enough for our (F/N)." Katsumi said as we were leaving the room.

"Thank god I didn't have to go through that." Tooru said while chuckling. I caught Toryn shoot him a quick glare.

"Okay Katsumi, that's fine." Toryn answered.

"I like him already." Katsumi said with a smirk. 

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