6. | "I claimed Jamie because he fought Steve and won"

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Bishop tilted his head slightly "Who the hell is Bucky?"

Tony rolled his eyes "Barnes, my boyfriend. That's Bucky" he said like it was obvious, Sam shook his head at Tony before going to interview players.

Tony could hear but being interviewed by reporters and smiled "let's introduce you to the team" Tony had almost forgotten about the hockey players.

"I don't know, my company hasn't released the story about us being together yet"

"Yea they have Pepper texted me the link you idiot"

Sam rolled his eyes as Tony stuck his tongue out at him, the three players followed the billionaire as he walked into the locker room towards his boyfriend. Bucky glances at him and tries to fight the smile forming on his lips.

"Stark industries has released a statement talking about how you and Mr. Stark have been a couple for several years including when you played professionally in Russia, how does it feel to the first openly gay athlete?"

Tony stopped behind the circle of reporters and crossed his arms glaring down the reporter, Bucky looked at him blankly "I maybe the first openly gay hockey player but I'm not the first openly gay professional athlete, and yea me an Tony have been together since he gave a speech at MIT while I was attending for my degree." His Brooklyn accent got thicker as he talked to the reporter

"What were you studying at MIT?"

Bucky smiled at the female reporter "Electrical engineering and computer coding with a little bit of robotics"

"What made you pick professional hockey over a career in another field"

"Because I've always loved hockey since I was little and when you grow up in Brooklyn it's hockey and baseball, but I got a bad pitch so I figured this would work better"

The group of reporters laughed and left as the Stars publicist said the interviews were over, Bucky sighed running a hand through his hair "We should cut your hair, it's starting to hide your face Tesoro" he smiled feeling Tony's hand in his hair "I thought you liked it long" he looked up smiling at the short man.

"Holy shit Tony Stark is here"

"He's shorter in person"

Tony scrunched up his nose at the last sentence, thankfully for him everybody has showered and was at least wearing pants "I'm not that short and you won't be seeing a lot of me in here" he looked around the room at the players stopping at Jamie "I remember you, you punched Steve and beat him in a fight" he pointed smiling "I'm keeping you"

Jamie blinked at him nodding, same laughed sitting in an empty chair "you can't claim people tony" Tony pouts at him "you and honey bear say that but look I have Bucky"

The man had put on his shoes and was drying his hair with a towel, looking up at his name "what did I do to Rhodey?" The players were having their own conversations as they left the room leaving the three in alone.

"Birdbrain and honey bear said I can't claim people but I have you and I claimed Jamie because he fought Steve and won"

Sam scoffed at tony "I'm leaving y'all can have fun" Bucky watched him leave before tugging on Tony's sleeve "can we go home and just sleep till the next game?" Tony snorted nodding "put on a shirt and we can leave but your disgusting gear in staying out of our room." The brunet nodded quickly putting on a shirt and grabbing his gear and Tony's hand walking out of the arena.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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