9th | Storybrooke Trick OR Treat| OUATfans

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Zelena cackled to herself as she crept through Gold's shop, fully mean and green on this lovely day of Halloween. Mr. Gold stood, his back turned, completely oblivious to the magically cloaked witch sneaking up behind him.

He stiffened, his senses tingling, but it was too late.

Zelena cast her spell, a blue light encompassing her target from head to toe. He whipped around, eyes wide with fear and anger and betrayal when he saw the witch doubled over in giggles.

"Oh you look positively gorgeous, darling," she gasped between guffaws.

Gold looked down at himself, and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. He was clad in a pastel blue and pink shiny outfit, one that was grossly familiar...

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He groaned. "What have you done?" He lifted his hand and waved it to get rid of the garish fairy garb, but nothing happened. He extended his hairy bare leg beneath the tassels of the Blue Fairy's dress and then glared at his nemesis. "What have you done?" he repeated.

"Just a little wicked trick for the holidays," Zelena replied with a wink. "The only way you'll change back into your own clothes is to cast the spell on someone else that hasn't already cast it on you. Happy Halloween, Rumple Fairy!" She cackled all the way out of the shop.

Gold growled down at his outfit. He needed to find somebody to cast this on, and soon.

Looks like Zelena's the Queen of Pranks! Who do you think Gold will cast the spell on? The rules are: it has to be a canon character of OUAT, and their outfit will be replaced with another canon character! What would be the funniest costumes you can think of the OUAT characters would wear? Discuss in the comments below!

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