Naked lies

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It was nighttime at its last and daylight at its start which Taehyung came to like and despise at the same time. But with the warm body cuddling to his side, he couldn't care less. He didn't care whether the moon or the sun was up as long as his side of the bed wasn't empty. And that's when Taehyung's eyes flattered open. It was when his back grew cold and his bed weighted lighter.

"Jungkook?" He whispered softly as if he was scared to disturb the younger.

"Yes, love?"

Jungkook's voice was husky, just like when they had their first phone call that night. But it was different. Jungkook didn't call him love back then. Jungkook didn't look at him with eyes full of love back the. Jungkook didn't peck his lips goodnight back then. And the chestnut-haired boy couldn't get used to the way Jungkook was enamoured by him. It felt surreal each time his face would flush, pink dusting his sun-kissed skin.

"Did you not get any sleep ?"

"Tae, I'm fine." Jungkook replied curtly.

"No, you're not," Taehyung insisted with a frown. The raven boy had been in a bad mood since their last conversation, "I know how it feels like when one cannot sleep let alone does not want to fall asleep."

Taehyung was met with dead silence making sigh him into his pillow as Jungkook turned around with his back facing him.

"I guess I found myself a good match." Taehyung scoffed to himself while staring at the other's back muscles.

'Don't you ever think of hiding your emotions just because others are unable to express it,' the sweet voice suddenly echoed in Taehyung's mind, the voice that once guided him when he had nobody to turn to.

Taehyung blinked at the vividness of the memory, the ghost of fragile hands patting his head in encouragement.

"You're right Soyeon. If you want love, you have to give some."

Taehyung jumped off the bed, leaving its warmth behind and headed to a greater source of warmth. He tiptoed towards the raven boy whose slim waist and built back were inviting for a tight hug. To his surprise, the moment Taehyung was about to back hug Jungkook, he was met with brownish orbs staring into his darker ones. A rush of courage suddenly took over him and he found himself instantly wrapping his arms around the other's neck. He closed the distance between them and let their foreheads collide together. Jungkook was taken aback by the abrupt closeness and couldn't help but leave his eyes open. How could he match Taehyung's shut eyes when such a beauty was too mesmerising to compare to the fading moonlight. Taehyung was ethereal, was what Jungkook could only think of. The way his irises came to sight so deep as his affection. The way his silky bangs fell gently over his forehead but still showing his thick eyebrows. Jungkook couldn't miss the cute little moles that were so distinct now that their faces were inches apart. The raven boy cupped the other's face softly with a little smile playing on his face and kept contemplating each of his features.

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