Catching Up

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"Ooooou, that's mama's boy." I smiled in his little face feeding him the apple sauce. "Mmm." He smiled showing those cute dimples and fat ass cheeks.

Carter was only six months and growing by the day if you ask me. The child was ten pounds now he's twenty. The doctor said don't worry about it too much, some babies are just chunky for a while until the height kicks in.

"Goodmorning." Rodger walked pass smacking my butt making me look at him. He smirked giving me a kiss, "goodmorning fat ass." He picked up Carter smiling. I smacked him in the back of the head, "don't do my son."

"He's always your son but when that dirty diaper float across yo nose that's when he's mine." I laughed stuffing my briefcase with papers. "Surely is." I grabbed my cup of coffee drinking a little bit. "I'll see you when I get off, remember to rub the butt paste on his behind and get between the crack too." He scrunched his face up. "Yeah, I'm let Cassity do that. I can't violate my mans like that." He kissed Carter's cheek making me smile.

I swung the door open feeling the June heat hit my skin.

A lot has changed from six months ago. Everyone's grown up; Ari was five and sassy as ever. Cassity hits seventeen and think she's grown now, Cj been grown but his birthday is next month. He starts college in January and he's nervous as hell so me and Rodger had been trying to give him some type of tips.

Amari was having Jaecyon's first birthday in a few months and although it was a few months I still wanted it to be everything. Ari had a sleepover and a shopping spree, that's all she wanted which sort of broke my heart. When she was turning four my baby wanted everything under the sun and she had such a huge imagination when it came down to parties but not anymore. Now my baby's five which is five years closer to ten, which is eight years closer to her being eighteen! It made me want to cry just thinking about the prom and homecomings.

I pulled up to the office parking my car in the Lead Detective parking spot. It felt good to be up on the food chain and it felt even better looking at the men who wanted and worked for years to have my position critize me just because I'm a woman. But at the end of the day I was the boss, and these motherfuckas listened to me. Since I've been in the lead I've brought more wins to that office than anyone before me. Mr. Hampton was pleased and Rick was eating out the palm of my hand but not intentionally.

Rick was a suck up since I've had this position, you might as well say I don't have Amari as an assistant anymore, Rick gets everything.

"Goodmorning Ms. Davis." I walked in my office to Amari glowing and smiling. "Girl what you smiling for?" I sat down my briefcase sitting in my chair. "Girl me and Duke are planning a vacation and I'm so excited. He won't tell me where I'm going but it's in the next two weeks." "Must be nice, me and Rodger cant get a break for shit. The kids, school, and all the other drama won't allow us any real alone time. Cassity's having mixed emotions about me telling Rodger about that little boy that raped her and I don't know what for. The little nigga gone get what he deserved, his time been up."

Amari shook her head. "Well Camila, rape isn't something that's so easy to accept. Of course you're mad and you have every right to be mad just don't make a move yet. She probably still love the nigga." Amari shrugged and I hated to admit it but she was probably right. It wasn't my call to kill this little boy? I just didn't want anyone to hurt my family but if she felt like this bum needed to be saved for now then so be it.


"Daddy, Carter stank!" Ari yelled holding him out like he was infected.

"Change the diaper then." I shrugged going back to playing 2K. "Daddy I'm only five, I can't do this." She sat him next to me taking off running. "You fake as hell!" I yelled hearing her bad ass giggle. I paused the game picking his chunky ass up.

"What you looking at stanky butt?" He cracked a smile making me do the same. I ran my fingers through his curly, sandy red hair. This was really my son, my twin, it felt crazy to have him actually here.

"I'm let your cousin change you, come on." I stood up grabbing his baby bag walking towards Cassity's room. I mean, I changed him time to time but my stomach was too weak for his shit. That was grown man shit and I couldn't handle it. Plus I had to leave and meet with Rom and Mo about some new work.

I was officially done with New York outside of visiting my mom and a few minor shit I had to take care of.

"Not again." Cassity shook her head taking her headphones out. "Just this one time, I gotta leave, I'll be back before Camila gets off." She nodded her head taking Carter and the baby bag.

Outside of the house was the only time I felt a little part of the old me. Camila and the kids turned me soft but I wasn't too soft. Helping kids with homework, attending basketball games, changing diapers, getting throw up on my nice shirts, dealing with Camila's crazy ass emotions, and Ari was changing. Me and Camila ain't fucked in almost two weeks and surprisingly I wasn't sweating it, it was too much going on to worry about that.

She was happy cause she had her body back to how it use to be. I was gone let her enjoy but as soon as Carter's able to walk, it was a wrap. I was trying for my baby girl. She was always speaking on that birth control shit but I wasn't letting it happen. That shit can fuck you up, plus we way pass that shit.

I stopped at the red light shooting Rom and Mo text letting them know to meet me at the spot. I rented this warehouse deep on the south but it was off the books and I paid cash under the table for it. Anything I needed was there, I just needed some more loyal motherfuckas on my team.

Camila think I stopped all this shit which I kinda did, it's just not an operation how I like. I know her concerns for me is genuine but this shit makes the world go round and I'm do it till I feel like I can't no more. She wants me to have a stand up job but I ain't no nine to five ass nigga. Then again I could own my own business but that was paper work and headache I didn't have the time for.

I got off on the exit taking the back roads all the way down.

Life was good for me though, money was flowing as always and I didn't have beef with none of these niggas. Ain't no competition in Houston and if it was they wasn't making no noise. My shit was flowing from here all the way to the islands so I most definitely didn't have any worries.

A few minutes later I pulled up seeing them both posted up outside.

"Wassup nigga?" Rom dapped me up. "Wassup?" "Shit, tryna see why Duke ain't here with us." Mo said looking around.

"That's what I need to talk to y'all about, and about a new connect since I ain't in New York no more." We walked inside the empty warehouse going into my office.

"That nigga Duke been moving funny." I said not beating around no bushes. "Yeah man, that nigga have though. Since you put that nigga on I've noticed." Rom said sitting on the couch. "Man he just a young nigga, you remember how we was back then." "Man I hear you but something up with that nigga, my gut telling me some." I shook my head tapping my finger on the desk. My gut was never wrong and I hated for it to be Duke out of all niggas.

"Kill that nigga then." Mo said bluntly. "Nigga it ain't that simple.." I chuckled. "This Amari's nigga, this ain't exactly easy. I'm give him a chance to speak his truths, it's only right. If he a snake then I ain't gotta choice but to do some about that." We all nodded agreeing on it.

Duke was young and hungry for it all. Sometimes niggas get so hungry they start looking for food somewhere else. Duke spent his money left to right and didn't know shit about putting back or investing. Before me and Camila was even official, as soon as I found out about Ari I've been putting three thousand in her account a month. She was going to have every opportunity to be great and that was on me. Carter was the same way.

"So how we gone approach this nigga about it?" Before I could open my mouth Duke walked in throwing them for lupe.

"Approach me about what?"

So life is going well for the future "Smiths" let's hope it stays that way and we can finally get through a wedding. ... But Duke seem like he ain't been keeping it real with the crew, find out later 🤷🏽‍♀️ but it feels so good to start on this book😊😊


excuse mistakes...

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