| GoodBye Princess |

Start from the beginning

After that, I left and flew very far and passed at most three towns by now, my wings were getting tired but I was above ocean at the moment, I thought I would have to fly for many more hours but I noticed a town.

It was having a festival, I found a place to land. A quiet area in the dark to make sure no one noticed my wings, it would get too much attention.

I hid my wings and started exploring, none cared about how I looked with the hood on so it was easy for me to keep walking without worrying about people paying too much attention on me.

I was just walking around, turning a corner when a girl ran into me full speed. Knocking us both down onto the ground, thankfully my hood stayed on.

I stood up and helped the girl up as she looked down and quietly apologized, "Sorry..."

"It's okay, but could you help me find an Inn?" I asked, she looked up and smiled at me, nodding.

"I can! But you could stay at our house, since I ran into you..." she said still very guilty.

"Oh! No, it's okay really." I said when she suddenly started looking teary eyed and about to cry.

"Okay! Okay I wouldn't mind staying with you." I said in my panicked state, her expression changed to a happy one.

And so, she took my hand making me follow her, we went through the whole town and into a forest, after a few minutes we reached a house. It was on high land.

I followed the girl, lagging behind a bit, I was amazed by the house, it looked beautiful.

The girl opened the door and walked in with a bounce to her step while I stayed outside, not knowing if I should enter.

"Jiji! I brought a lady, she needs a place to stay for a while!" the girl exclaimed excitedly as a man who looked like he is in his early 70's entered the main room.

"Oh, Hello Miss.." He started but he, of course, didn't know your name.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" I said with a smile though I was a bit confused at how I remembered my last name now.

"Touya Koizumi, Nice to meet you (Y/N)~San." he said with a warm smile, the house seemed to radiate warmth too.

"You can just call me (Y/N), Koizumi~San." I said kindly, not wanting to seem rude.

"As you wish and please use my first name, no need for formalities." Touya said as I noticed the other kids.

"The place looks very old." I said looking around, it definitely needed some repairs.

"It is but I don't have the strength to fix it all up, I have to leave for work most days." He said sadly as he sat down on a rocking chair.

"Oh! I could help fix it! After all, I want to help out as long as I stay here." I said with a excited smile, helping out these kids is something I want to do.

"We will help too!" One of the children exclaimed.

"Yeah! Me too!" Another one exclaimed.

"Are you sure? You are my guest, after all." Touya asked me, I nodded happily.

"I am." I said and he seemed happy to see someone who could help.

"Okay! Tomorrow morning we will begin, how about it?" I ask the kids as they all cheer happily, Touya laughed in a grandpa-ly manner.

They all quickly ran to their rooms as I was left with Touya, who seemed relieved.

"You know, I have not met someone as of yourself for a long time." he said with a sad smile, his eyes going into a daze.

"Oh, who was it that you met before me?" I asked him without thinking, "If you wouldn't mind me asking that is!" I stated afterwards, he only chuckled.

"He was my husband, he died from a deadly disease but his last wish was for this house to be a place for the homeless children, to protect them and show them the love a parent would give." Touya said with a dazed expression, most likely thinking of his husband.

"What was his name?" I asked, he looked surprised at my question.

"Aito Hayashi." he said

"He must have been a great person, I wish I got to meet him..." I said sadly as he too smiled sadly.

I don't know why but I felt sad, I may have never known this preson but it felt like I did.

After talking a bit more he lead me to a spare bedroom, we exchanged goodbye's before he left for his own room.

I couldn't sleep for a while, my thoughts filled with different ideas for the rooms and tomorrow, unknowingly I feel asleep.


Edited on October 12th, 2019.

Two chapters done, 15 more to go. Hope you have a good day.

Cassie out! ~

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