Start from the beginning

He finally lets me go and sits down again "look we still need to talk."  "Noah not right now maybe another time."  "Please I need to get this off my chest, and I promised my mom and Lee I would  tell you everything."  "Fine, Noah."  He looked at me and told me everything and how even though they dated he never slept with her.  I looked at him "Seriously Noah."  "No, Shelly look I didn't tell Lee or my mom this part because hell talking about my sex life with my mom and brother is not on the top of my to-do list."  I chuckled and said, "Ok, go on."  "I tried having sex with her but I couldn't every time she touched me or kissed me I was disgusted.  I even tried pretending it was you but the difference in your scents would always pull me from my head, and I was revolted and for the first time in my life I could not...well you know."  I looked up at him, and it took me a while to realize what direction he was headed.  "Oh, well I don't know what to say."  "Look I am not going to lie to you the fact that I gave in instead of trying to find a way out before I came home sucks for me hell I should have even told you the truth but I couldn't."  "Look I know you're with Lewis but know this Shelly I will wait for you.  I love you too much to give up on us. I plan on making you my wife one day."  I just stared at him, and as we leaned into each other, I felt my heart start to race, and the old feelings were beginning to stir.  Luckily I  realized what was about to happen and I jumped up and grabbed my books "Ok, well we continue this at the apartment.  I have to go Lewis wanted to talk to me."  I open the door just as Lewis is getting ready to knock on my door.  He glares at me, and I can feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head as I unlock the door to my room.  I invite him in, and I know this is going to be a long night.

"What is going on little lady?"  "Nothing all the study rooms were booked, and he also needed to talk, so we did our work in his room."  "Then why did you look flushed?"  "It was nothing,  what do you need to talk about."  "Well, first thing tell me now what happened."  "Nothing happened ok believe me if something had happened I would tell you."  "Did something almost happen?"  I knew I was busted because I couldn't lie to him.  "Yes, but it won't happen again."  "No, it won't because you are not moving."  With that, I stand up and glare at him "What did you say?"  "I said you are not moving.  I forbid it."  With that, I lost it "NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO ONE OTHER THAN MY DAD, JUNE, AND MATHEW TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND LAST TIME I CHECKED YOU ARE NONE OF THE ABOVE!"  "Damn it, Rochelle; he tried something on you and your moving in with him.  What if next time you can't get away?"  "Wait you think...GET OUT!"  "Elle come on I am trying to protect you."  "NO, GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!"  "Why are you defending him?"  I was holding the door open and shoving him out the door I saw Noah standing in his doorway along with people down the hall.  "Just go."  "He tried to take advantage of you."  That is when I lost it.  "OF ALL THE ASSININE THINGS FOR YOU TO SAY.  HE WOULD NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER DO THAT.  YOU WANT DETAILS FINE WE ALMOST KISSED, AND I STOPPED IT BECAUSE OF MY LOYALTY TO YOU.  I SAID IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN BECAUSE FROM NOW ON I AM MAKING SURE LEE IS WITH US WHEN WE STUDY.  NOAH FLYNN WOULD NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER HURT ME LIKE THAT."  With that, I spun on my heal and was going to slam my door when Lewis grabbed me.  "How do you know?"  "Because even though he promised me, he would never break my heart and did there is one thing he has never done, and that allowed me to be physically hurt.  I know Lee told him how I was after our break-up and I know it kills him he did that to me.  I know if he had seen me he would have come clean with everything that I know you know.  That is why you didn't want me talking to him right."  "What do you mean?"  "I heard you tell him to tell me the truth."  "Fine I knew, but I can't lose you."  "Accusing my family of something so horrendous is a good way to do it."  "What you are suggestion would kill me."  "What do you mean?"  I look around and see how full the halls are and start to shake.  Noah steps out and grabs me and pulls me against him "Shhh Shells I called your twin he is coming.  Please calm down think of Bradley he can't lose you Shells, please don't go back there you can't Max won't survive if he loses you too after Mary."  "Jojo, you know I don't believe you would ever."  "Yes, Shells I know don't worry about it.  Please hang in there till your twin comes."  I hear the venom in Lewis's voice "Seriously in front of me."  "Dude stop please stop if you keep this up we could all lose her."  "What the hell do you mean?"  "When we lost Mary she didn't eat for two weeks we thought we were going to have to hospitalize her or worse commit her she almost died.  She may seem tough and strong on the outside, but on the inside, she is still dealing with losing Mary.  You don't understand how close she was to her mom and mine and to be this far away from my mom and not be able to go and sit on Mary's grave to talk to her is torcher for her.  This me hugging her has nothing to do with anything than a big brother figure comforting his adoptive little sister/little brother's annoying best friend."  "NOAH TELL ME SHE HASN'T COLLAPSED YET!"  "No, Lee she is still only shaking."  "Ok, I got her.  Twin come on I got you."  I turn and cling to Lee tightly.  "I can't twin I want to go home I need my mom."  "OK, Noah will call the rents and see if we can go home this weekend.  Then the two of us will go get Mary some flowers and I will sit with you all day so you can talk to her."  "You promise."  "I promise Twin now you have to pull yourself together for our little man he can't lose you your the only mother he has ever known."  "Yeah, maybe it is time he sees mom."  "Ok if Max agrees I will take the movies over for you."  "Twin will you sleep with me."  "Yes, I am always here for your twin.  I love you."  "I love you too twin."  As Lee leads me into my room, I hear him say "Thanks bro for taking care of her till I could get here."  "Anytime little bro no matter what I will always be her big brother."




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