ATL smackdown pt2

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Before we even start this fucking chapter dont come at me about who side yall on because tbh the whole situation was petty to begin with and I may not know what happened but imma go off the lil but I do know and add my own special touch 😁

March 4th 2021

Atlanta, Georgia


I was at the hotel getting dressed me ocean and ty the goat were linking up with woah Vicky today in the mall

When Audri called me

Hey stinka"I said putting my face into the camera

We miss u nyy"Audri said putting Alexis in the camera

Hey Lexi"I said cooing at her

She just smiled and started laughing

Ayye look shorty imma have to call u back"I told Audri

Ight"she said hanging up

I walked outside with my suit case because I planned on staying at ocean house tonight and tomorrow night

Hey oceannnn "I said dragging her name out

Hey boo boo"she said hugging me

We walked into the mall to see Vicky standing beside Hakeem and eshia

Damn this bitch pop up every where

Hey nyema"she said

Wasup eshia"I said not making eye contact with her

Wasup nyema"Hakeem said

Hey Hakeem"I said smiling at him

Eshia looked jealous but I didn't give a shit

The whole mall Trip had tension

•••••eshia House••••••

Bruhhh I need some clout"eshia yelled out in frustration

Make a sexual video with one of yo hoes"ocean suggested

Eshia looked at me and I tried my best not to look her in the face as she was burning a hole in mines

Nyema please just act like u all up on me I just need 532 more followers to make 1 mill"she begged

I put my headphones in pretending not to hear her
Then she snatched my phone out my hand

Yo what the fuck"I yelled

Please"she asked

I gave in did the video with her and after the video we waited till ocean and her sister was ready to leave so that I could go to ocean house and get some sleep because they were throwing a party that's something they do every weekend and I was invited

Excuse mistakes not edited 🤷🏽‍♀️

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