Chapter 1 ~ Only If You Knew.

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{Ty'Keyah's House , 9:54 pm}

Ty'Keyah: HA! I won! (Sticks tounge out).

Nikko: I want a rematch.

Ty'Keyah: Nope , Its official , Im better at Madden than you are. (I got up to go get a Sprite from the kitchen)

Nikko: Hey pass me one?

Ty'Keyah: ( I threw him one across the room)

Nikko: Thanks. (He opened it and , it sprayed all over his face.)

Ty'Keyah: (I almosted choked on my soda because I was laughing so hard.) '' You're so stupid.'' (I handed him so paper towel , to dry is face off.) ( Then his phone started to ring playing XO by The Weeknd.)

Nikko's Phone: If they dont let you in , you know where to find me. Cause if you wanna go again , You can always call me. Cause all we ever do is love , Open up ya mind , You can find the love , Girl you aint alone. We all been alone , baby just be honest. XO ohh , dont you forget. XO dont you worry bout a thing. XO we'll be everything you need , just believe. XO yeah , XO and woah.

Nikko: (He looked at his phone and sighed.) '' Look , Ty' I gotta go. Alisha needs me.

Ty: (I looked down.) ''Ok , I guess I'll see you later.'' (He puts his shoes on and I gave him hug)

Nikko: Bye , love ya!

Ty: (Blushes) ''Bye....!'' (POV: Ahh , I love it when he says that) He left , and I stood in the doorway . Watching him drive off.

I went to my room , laid on my bed and sighed. ''I love you more than that.'' Me and Nikko have been bestfriends ever since we were 3. He still does his music and everything and I support him 100%. I always had a crush on him I just never told him. Well now Im too late. He met a girl at one of our friends party 2 months ago , and now they're dating. She is the total opposite of him. She's bratty , controlling , phony , and a user. She was nice in the beggining but I could already tell that she was fishy . Once I saw her sucking faces with another guy. And everytime we are both around Nikko she tries to take him away from me. I HATED HER. 

I got up and tried to call Nikko , and Alisha picked up with her annoying ass voice.

[Phone Convo]

Alisha: ''Hello?''

Ty'Keyah: ''Hey , is Nikko there?''

Alisha yelling in the backgroud: ''BABE MAKE ME SOME BROWNIES NOW PLEASE! They're in the pantry. Thanks.'' (Into the phone) ''Ummm , he's kinda busy.''

Ty'Keyah: ''Ok. Tell him to call me later.'' 

Alisha: Yeah , whatever BYE. 

She hung up the phone in my face.

Ty'Keyah: ''Bitch.'' I mumbled under my breath.

[End Of Phone Convo]

I loved Nikko so much and know him so well , I know Alisha isnt his type. Whatever , I guess I'll only have him in my dreams. ''Only If You Knew , Nikko .....'' I went into the bathroom did my nightly routine , put my PJ's on , I put my iPhone on its dock putting the song ''Good Ones Go'' by Drake on . I turned my lights on , climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep.

 {A/N- Play the song on the side >>> during or after you read if you want ;-*}

Fighting For Love : An Ace Primo Love Story. ( ON HOLD / POSSIBLE DELETION )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu