And Let The Games Begin ...

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{Ty'Keyah's Room , 9:54 am.}

I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking , so I knew that my mom came home early. My dad was still at work doing a double shift as always. I hopped out of bed , did my daily routine then put on this : . I was going to the dance studio to get my mind off thing , so I didnt need anything to serious. After that I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

Gabrielle (Ty's Mom) : Goodmorning , sweetheart.

Ty: Morning mom. (Smiles)

I grabbed a plate and took some breakfast to eat.

Ty: Its been a while , since I've had a good home cooked breakfast . I said sitting down.

Gabi: Yes. I know. (Sits down) ( Clears throat) Soo , umm . How things with you and Nikko , been going?

I looked down and started to play with my food.

Ty: Fine . I guess.

Gabi: You know , Ty. Your gonna have to get over the fact that he's in love with other girl.

Ty: (Looks up shocked): Mom , how ar --- you know what?

I got up , grabbed my phone and keys . And ran out the door.

Gabi: Ty , come back! Im sorry! That came out wrong!

I ignored her. I didnt feel like walking all those blocks today. I was stressed enough. I sat in my car for a good five mins and thought ... '' Did she really just say that to me? Was she turning her back on me? AGAIN.''


{Star Central Dance Studios , 11:23}

I got tot he studio and walked in. Once again Conor was there practicing for his next show. And OF COURSE , Alisha was there texting on her phone as usual. Probably begging her other man for a quickie -_- . She looked at me and gave me a stank look. I was just about getting ready to slap the horse weave out of her head. But I wasnt gonna let my anger take over me today. 

Nikko: Ty! (Smiles)

Ty: I gave him a weak grin and turned away. He had a confused look on his face. I went to my usual room spot , put my phone on its dock , decided to put ''Countdown'' by Beyonce on and started to practice the dance moves me and my bestfriend Andrea made up. 



When I was done I got some water and sat in a corner and started to text my friend Drea.

[A/N - LovelyPreshh is Ty. Andd , NuggetHova is Drea. ( :]

-Text Convo-

NuggetHova - Ayoo '

LovelyPreshh - What?

NuggetHova - Where you at??

LovelyPreshh - Dance Studio . -__-

NuggetHova - Okayy , Lemme guess . Nikko is there . ANDD of course his tail has grown in this morning.

LovelyPreshh - YESS. She gave me a stank look this morning . BUT , I let that crap slide.

NuggetHova - Bishh , you should of slap the horse weave out her head. MAKE SHE FEEL IT (Jamaican Voice) ._.

LovelyPreshh - I was! But I was just like nahh , it wouldnt be the right thing to start the day off with.

NuggetHova - -___________________- 

Fighting For Love : An Ace Primo Love Story. ( ON HOLD / POSSIBLE DELETION )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant