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"Nope, not this. Hmmm, not this too. Woah since when do you've this dress? Hm its not suitable for you first date. This will make you look like a hooker, hm definitely not this too"

It's been like 1 hours Lyn is with me, yet she can't find any dress that will make me look 'presentable' and 'gorgeous'. That's what she tell me. I don't know why I called her and ask for her opinion. Seriously, I start regretting it as soon as she comments about my dress, non-stop.

She had been scolding me because of my choice of dresses. It's not my fault if you've exactly three pairs of eyes watching your movement and prevent you from doing something stupid and also stopping me before I be like some of girls in my school. Not that three pairs of eyes, its exactly nine pairs of eyes.

When I told Lyn about choosing any dress in my closet, she mad at me. She told me that I need to wear something gorgeous and make Dino non-stop looking at me.

Pfftt not to be so arrogant, but I always catch him looking at me whenever he thinks that I don't know about it.

"Lyn, can't I just wears any dress? Like a dress that my mom give me, a red one" I pointed to a nice red dress. Its definitely shows a lot of my skin, but isn't all dress shows your skin?

My mom gave me that dress as a present during my 17th birthday, but being a sweater person, I choose not to wear it. So, its been hanging inside of my closet for as long as I remember. It was a gorgeous dress, but I don't think that I will look fine in that dress, don't know why, I just feel it.

"Hm, for a first time in my record that you give me a brilliant opinion"

I glare at her, but she doesn't saw it because she was busy searching for something inside of her handbag. Eventhough she doesn't wear any makeup or foundation at school, but Lyn is really talented.

"You know right, if he really really like me more than a friend, then he need to accept who I am, how I look like. I don't need to change that" I said. Lyn look at me and smile.

"Yes, I know that. I hope that he like you for who you are. You are a great friend, an amazing girl, a talented girl. But I just want to make your first date wonderful"

I smiled gratefully. I was so thankful that I got her as my friend. Eventhough it was late enough for us to know each other even we are in a same school since 2 years ago, I was so glad that God let us know each other this year. She is a great friend indeed.

About 3 hours then, Dino texted me and said that he was waiting for me downstairs. To say that I was nervous is an understatement. Lyn do a last touchup and escort me downstairs. We had been agreed to let me wear that red dress that my mom give me along with a beautiful necklace and bracelet. I told her that I don't want to wear any heels, so she let me wears a sandal instead.

When I arrived downstairs, I saw that Dino is talking to my brother animatedly. They looks like a long lost friend. I was glad that my brother likes him. If not, then I guess Dino will not standing there, with a smile waiting for me.

"You better take care of my sister. If I know that you are hurting her, just know that something bad or ever worse happen then" My brother threatened, it was hard for him to let me out tonight. Mom had told him to take care of himself, me and this house because both of my parents are having their honeymoon somewhere.

Dino nodded and take my hands, guided me to his car. He open a passenger door for me, and I smile gratefully. When I was inside, he walked to a driver seat and goes inside.

When he finally drive to our journey, I finally able to get a look at him. He was so handsome with a suit, his hair looks perfectly makes me hold myself from making it mess.

"Hm, I forgot to tell you something. You look gorgeous in red, definitely red become my favourite colour then"

I blushed. "You look handsome too, smart. Looks like an idol" I whispered.

He just smile and continue driving. One thing in my mind; if anyone told me a few months before that I will go out for a date with a most famous bad boy today, I will definitely laughing out loud and flipped them a middle finger.

But I guess I wrong, maybe just maybe, a nerd also can falling inlove with anyone, even a bad boy.


"Stop throwing a popcorn at me" I whined.

After we had our dinner at a biggest restaurant in our town, Dino brings me to a studio. He told me that his father owns a dancing studio. That's explain of his love towards dance. He also had prepare something at this studio. We are currently watching a drama, Seventeen but Thirty, when he suddenly throw a popcorn at me. Not one, a lot of popcorns.

I had been focused watching this drama, my favourite drama. I glared at him when he throws another one at me. I sighed angrily and smacked his arm. He laughed at me and continue throwing a popcorn at me. When I can't hold my anger, I snatched his popcorn and dropped it on his head.

He pouted adorably and looks like a little kid who wants to cry. I pinched his cheeks and say that he looks so cute.

He smacked my arm and frowning.

"I'm a man, cute isn't a word for a man. Handsome and cool are the words for a man like me" He frowns. Oh god, he looks so cute.

"Nope, you are cute, cutest person in this world. In my world" I tease him. He frown and sulking.

I stare at him, admiring his face. Admiring his efforts to show me that love is still exist for me. Show me that he was capable to take care of me, to make me happy. There its.

I will definitely give both of us, a chance. A chance to be happy together. A chance to show our love for each other. A chance to prove that he, a playboy can change his ways because a girl. A nerd girl. A invisible one.

Me, Seo Hana finally realise that I was falling in love with a boy infront of me. I'm falling, hard for him.

And I hope that everything will be fine for me, for us.


Seventeen but Thirteen 💐 [SEVENTEEN DINO ff] [Editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora