~You See Him Again~

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After that first day, I had made it a habit to pass by Alex's house. He was always out by a tree, unless it was raining of course. Most times, I'd just wave on my way to the blacksmith or the library. Sometimes, I'd even walk up to him and say hi, or even go inside to talk to him. Once, he even suggested playing catch with me, if it wasn't for the fact that I wasn't confident in my ability to actually catch the darned gridball. (Weird how these Pelican Townsfolk have a different name for different things, like Easter and American Football.) Well, actually, he said that it was because I was a girl, but I quickly corrected him that if I weren't so insecure about being horrible at it, I'd play catch with him in a heartbeat. He seemed surprised. "Really? Heh, well then, maybe I ought to teach you how some time." I wanted to say that I knew how, I was just bad at it, but I held my tongue. Maybe we might be able to grow closer...


That night, I aided Sam in failing less miserably than usual at pool. He was right when he said that everybody was better than him, but I wasn't better by much. Needless to say, the next day I was greeted with a smiling blonde that came to thank me for my help. I was fishing at the river, when he came up beside me. "Hey there, Farmer. Long time, no see." I laughed. "Oh yeah, because I totally didn't see you last night." He grinned. "Oh yeah! Say, speaking of last night, thanks for your help. I feel like Sebastian was amused by our attempts." "I'd say so, too." I said, before gripping at my stomach. "Ugh, man I'm hungry." "Wanna go get some pizza?" Sam asked. "Sure, let's go." I said, reeling in my hook to see a piece of green algae on it. I then had to choose if I was going to toss it back or gross out Sam... Decisions, decisions.


If there was ever a geode that was harder to crack than Sebastian was, I haven't found it yet. I hadn't seen the guy since the last rainy day that passed. Once again, he was impossible to find. But he was cute, so there's no way that I was gonna stop looking for him again. Then, I found myself at the Stardrop Saloon on a friday night. Deciding I might as well go talk to Mayor Lewis about those slimes I killed, I went in. As I was shutting the door, I saw a familiar black hoodie walking into the next room. "Sebastian?" I muttered, following after the supposed person of my eye. Leaning against the door frame, I waited for him to turn around. When he did, he seemed shocked to see me. "Nice to see you again, phantom-boy." I said. "It's not my fault you never look in the right place at the right time." He said, sitting down on a sofa. "It's not my fault that even Abigail has a hard time finding you." I said. "Mind if I sit?" Sebastian made a hand gesture that said, 'sure.' I sat down on the other side of the couch. "So, you play pool?" He asked. "A little, yeah." I said. "Why? You up for a match?" "Let's go, Little girl." He said, a tiny smile peeping on his face.


After that first night with Shane, I began to join him at the bar every Saturday night. We'd both get a beer, start trash talking JojaMart, and drink to Pierre's continued prosperity. Sometimes, in the summer, I'd bring the hot peppers that I grew. Then, Shane would order a pizza and I'd put my peppers all over his half of it. Best thing he ever ate, he'd tell me. "You got some good things growing on that farm of yours," He told me, one night. "Good thing the seeds came from Pierre's." I said, laughing. "I wasn't talking about just the peppers, Y/n..." He slurred. Oh god, he was getting drunk. I ordered a water from Gus and handed it to him. After drink the water and getting another slice of hot pepper pizza, he seemed right back at it again. "Care for a drinking game, Y/n?" I knew I should say no, but why the heck not? That night, I ended up walking Shane home. And I almost passed out on my way to my bed, because we stayed an extra half an hour.


I had been making a point to visit the beach every day, with the excuse of looking for seashells or going fishing. But, I think it's safe to say that the entire valley knew why I was really going, after I barged back into Pierre's store with a tomato for a face that first thursday. I always went during the times that I knew Elliot would be out and about, and I always came to say hi. Unless, of course, it was rainy. I couldn't go see Elliot if it was rainy, because he never came out of his house on rainy days. At least, until I received a letter in the mail one rainy morning. 'Darling Y/n, why do you never come to visit me on rainy days? Those are the days when I could use your company the most! The sky and the sea are so dreary and gray from my window, only your vibrant aura could remedy such a sad sight! Please, come see me, today. Signed, Elliot.' My eyes lit up, and I rushed to complete all the tasks on my farm that needed attending to. Then, I sprinted to the beach to visit my gorgeously poetic friend.


It'd been a few days since I sprained my wrist, and I'd been raking in as much cash as I could, just in case the medical bill that Harvey forgot to charge me was very high. I wasn't going to just keep my mouth shut and let it lie. He deserves to be paid for his work, I can't just let it be! So, as scheduled, I grabbed my money and went off to Harvey's clinic. When I got there, Hervey was waiting. "Ah! Miss Y/n, I hope that your wrist didn't cause you much trouble?" He asked. "On the contrary, Doctor Harvey, I'd say that it caused me to work even harder, earning me a good profit for the week." I replied, walking into the back. We met at the same exam bay as before, where Harvey undressed my wrist and began to inspect it. "Hmm, seems to have healed quite nicely." He said. "Just keep doing those wrist exercises for the next few days and you should be right as rain!" "Thanks, Doc. Now, how much do I owe you?" I asked, pulling out my bag of coins. "Owe me?" Harvey replied, "Why, Miss Y/n. What would make you think that you owed me anything?" "Well, you forgot to bill me last time." I said. "Surely, I owe you twice the amount now." "Nonsense, Y/n! You're just getting into the business of farming, and you need to take into consideration that you truly are sustaining yourself now. I can't take the money that you need to get up off your feet!" He dismissed my objections. "Oh, but Harvey, I can pay any reasonable price you throw at me! See? I have the money right here!" I pulled out the cash. Despite Harvey's continued insistence that I keep it all I counted out a third of the money, roughly a thousand coins, and put it on the front counter. "I'm not touching that money again, Doc. Not unless you're buying something from me." I said. "Though, I would hope that you'd invest it towards your livelihood." "Y/n, honestly— "Shh." "But I— "Shhhh." "Y/n— "Shhhhhhhh." I continue to shush him until I was out the door. "Bye, Harvey!"

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