[09]jupiter loving

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A long time ago I learned not to explain things to people. It misleads them into thinking they’re entitled to know everything I do

jupiter loving

"She said what?" William asked.

"She said she loves me and if I asked her to marry me again, she would." I answered.

"So what are you going to do, Harry?" Kate asked.

"Isn't it obvious, he's going to ask her to marry him again." William responded.

"Well, are you, Harry?" Kate asked.

"I do not know yet, maybe. I need more time to process this." I answered.

"Take as much time that you need to think this through." Kate said.

jupiter loving

With a cup of tea steaming in the front of me, I looked across the table at Kate who, from the moment I’d arrived at Kensington Palace, had a look of someone trying to keep a secret that she so badly wanted to tell.

"Kate, what's wrong? Why did you invite me over just to stare at me?" I asked.

She closed her eyes and sighed.“Okay. But, first, do you not remember anything from our night at your house?" She replied.

"Did I do something stupid?" I asked.

"More than stupid." She answered.

“Kate, please, just tell me.” I said.

Truthfully, the suspense was just eating me alive inside; it was my impatience getting the better of me. I wanted to know what I had done. Was it bad? Did I throw myself at Harry?

Exhaling, she began, “After we left, Harry stayed behind to take care of you because you were sloppy drunk. He said when he put you to bed, you asked him to stay and so he did at least until you fell asleep but what you two talked about was what makes you stupid, Anastasija." Kate answered.


"Anastasija, you told him, you love him and if he asked you to marry him again, you would say yes. Ana, why would you say such a thing to him when you told me how you felt about being a princess and having to deal with this and you did not want that if you married Harry." She said.

"Kate, I talked to my brother." I said.

"When was this?" She asked.

"After Eugenie's wedding. He called me because he saw me on a magazine about being at the wedding and we talked for almost two hours, Kate." I answered.

"What did you two talk about?" She asked.

"Everything and most importantly forgiveness." I replied.

"Forgiveness?" She asked.

"I always felt guilty about leaving and not doing my duties as a princess which is why I was more against being with Harry, I felt like it would be a slap in the face for my family but my brother told me I was wrong, it would be a great honor." I answered.

"Anastasija, it would be a great honor to have you be a part of our family and you know that. I'm so happy that you talked to your brother and maybe this is what you needed to be able to be happy with Harry." Kate said.

"I know I just wish I had told Harry, the real reason from the start but Kate, I need your help." I said.

"With what?" She asked.

"I want to surprise Harry." I answered.

jupiter loving

I walked into the private exclusive restaurant that Kate had managed to reserve on short notice, perks of being royalty. I had fixed the pretty green dress, that I had chosen to wear knowing that it was Harry's favourite colour.

The hostess lead me to the small booth all the way in the back away from the public eye. I said a quick thank you as I took a seat.

Harry walked into the restaurant, and the hostess lead him to the back where he thought he would find his brother and sister in law waiting for him but instead he was met with Anastasija, who was busy typing away on her phone to notice his presence.

He cleared his throat and Anastasija looked up.

"Oh, hi Harry." She said putting her phone away.

The two of us sat down at a small booth. The hostess took the drink orders and was off. And immediately, the conversation picked up about Anastasija's drunk confession.

"Harry, what did I say to you when I was drunk?" Anastasija asked.

"That you love me and if I asked you to marry me again, you would say yes." Harry answered.

"Harry, I cannot-"

"What, Anastasija that you were drunk and was just saying things that you did not mean." He said.

"Harry, no." She said.

"What is it, Anastasija?" He asked.

"A man's true character comes out when he's drunk." She answered.

"So, you're saying that everything you said that night, you meant it." He said.

"Yes, Harry, I meant it." She said.

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