[07]crescent sun

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Princess Anastasija Looks Chic in Purple as She Rides to Church With Queen Elizabeth II

Princess Anastasija made a surprise public appearance on Sunday in Scotland, as she and Prince Harry joined his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II and other royal family members at a Sunday church service in the village of Crathie, near the monarch's Balmoral estate. Bhutanese Princess rode together with the Queen in the backseat of the latter's black Bentley, while Harry sat in the front passenger's seat.

The Bhutanese Princess wore a purple, black trimmed Catherine Walker buttoned jacket, purple skirt and black fascinator, with her hair styled in a chignon. The Queen wore a jacket the same shade of blue as Anastasija's shirt and a matching hat.

Anastasija has made few public appearances with the Royal Family which silently confirms that Harry and her relationship is super serious.

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"She said no." I told my family as we were having tea at Buckingham Palace.

"Who said no?" The Queen asked.

I looked up at my grandmother and sighed. She wasn't going to be happy, I knew how much she wanted Anastasija and I to be a couple.

"Anastasija." I answered.

"She said no to what, Harry?" William asked.

"Anastasija said no, when I asked her to marry me." I answered.

"When did you ask her?" My father asked.

"Two nights ago." I answered.

"But you two looked so comfortable around each other this morning at our public engagement." The Queen said.

"She's a very good at hiding." I said.

"What are you going to do, Harry, you can't just give up." Kate said.

"I don't know, Kate. I think I'm going to let her go. She doesn't want this life and she's trying very hard to make sure she doesn't end up back in this life which means there will be no Anastasija and Harry in this lifetime or the next." I said putting my tea cup down on the table and pulling out the engagement ring box and sliding it to my grandmother. "Granny, can you put this in your jewels vault. I don't want it anywhere near me." I said.

"Oh, Harry, are you sure?" She asked.

"It was made for her. It will remind of her too much and I don't want that so yes, I'm sure." I answered.

"Harry, you can't give up." Camila said.

"Camilla." My father said.

"Harry, listen love is never simple. You cannot give up because she turn down your proposal. There is always risk. At least when you love someone it's worth taking." Camila said.

"So you want me to fight?" I asked.

"If she's really the one then yes, I want you to fight for her." She replied.

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Her Majesty, The Queen, Elizabeth II turned off the television at the sound of approaching footsteps. She placed the remote gently on the coffee table as her personal assistant and Royal Secretary, walked into the Red State room. She watched as she stepped aside to let Anastasija into the room and gently closed the door behind Anastasija.

"Have a seat," Elizabeth said.

Anastasija sat down with a sigh as she sat across from the Queen. The woman crossed her legs at her ankle and said, "Hello, Your Majesty, I was told you requested a meeting with me over an urgent matter."

"Harry has told the family that you rejected his proposal and I would like to know why." Elizabeth said.

"I don't understand." Anastasija said.

"Anastasija, darling, I need to understand why you denied my grandson your hand in marriage?" She asked.

"Your Majesty, Harry is a great man but I'm not ready for marriage." Anastasija replied.

"That's not what the others are saying, Anastasija. Please do not lie to me. What was the real reason?" She said.

"Your Majesty, I do not wish to be involved in this life any more. I left home to get away from it and I do not wish to reenter it through marriage to Harry." Anastasija said.

"That's a really strange, unique position to be in - royalty is where you have no choice over what your duties are." The Queen said.

"Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be." Anastasija said.

"No one said it was but being a princess is about how you make it worth being a princess. You can't run from being royal no matter what you do in life, Anastasija, there will always be something there to remind you. You need to face it head on and make change." The Queen said.

"And if I don't?" Anastasija asked.

"You'll be only hurting yourself." The Queen answered.

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