Chapter 21

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"Hagar..." Keith said under his breathe as hatred filled his gut.

"Why hello there boys, I didn't expect you to do so.. well." Hagar said with a small cackle.

Her yellow eyes then looked to Romelle on Lance's shoulder. The witch let out a smirk.

"You little rascal, you did good getting past me. But sadly you haven't thought of the consequences have you?" Hagar asked with a bigger smirk.

From under her hood, her yellow eyes glowed brighter. Hagar then lifted her hands and said some type of spell before sending Romelle into the ground hard.

"Romelle! Leave her alone you monster!" Lance said as he picked up the fairy and put her on his shoulder again.

Romelle had to hold on to his neck for balance. She had taken a hard hit.

"Oh, I'm not done yet." Hagar said as she started to send some type of magic up into the air.

Keith suddenly let out a scream from both his wound and the magic.

"Keith!" Lance caught the vampire into his arms as he fell.

"L-Lance, you have to leave-."

Keith then let out a loud shriek and he aggressively tore from Lance's grip. His eyes now had no pupils. They were just plain yellow with black tears raining from them. His fangs now stuck out and black liquid also came from his mouth. He had turned savage.

"Keith no!" Lance then backed away with a bit of fear.

Romelle on his shoulder just stood there, frozen. She didn't know what to do.

"Attack!" Hagar yelled out.

Suddenly the ground started to rumble as an army of savage vampires and ghouls raced over the hills. They all shrieked and headed straight for Lance.

"Run Lance!"

Lance turned to see and army of werewolves running from behind him. They were all in their wolf forms, but he recognized the leader as Shiro.

Lance then felt his legs react to Shiro's request and he started to run from the fight. Wait what am I doing?! Lance then came to a stop and turned back to the werewolves who were charging at the army of ghouls and vampires.

"I have to help.." Lance said with a growl.

"Lance, no!" Romelle yelled out as she looked up to him with anger.

"Romelle, hang on tight." Lance said as he took out a silver blade.

He was going to kill all these vampires, except for Keith. Lance then let out a battle cry as he ran out to battle.

"Lance!" Romelle screamed as she literally had to hug his neck to stay on.

Lance then ran at the first vampire he saw and he stabbed it with his silver blade causing it to shriek and fall over.

"One!" Lance yelled out with a smirk as he started to do the same to the others.

But it wasn't that easy... some came from behind and scratched him with their claws. Lance let out a scream as he turned around and stabbed those ones quickly before turning back.

"Lance, this is getting hard!"
Romelle yelled out.

She was still hugging his neck and she was started to lose her grip from both her sweat and Lance's.

"Hold on!" Lance yelled as he just killed two more vampires.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!" Romelle screamed as she started to slip.

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