Chapter 10

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"T-thanks..." Keith said as he looked down to his now bandaged wound.

"No problem... if you ever need any help again. Just tell me." Lance said with a smile.

Keith gave a slight grin back before remembering the fairy that was talking to Lance before...

"Um, who was that fairy you were talking to? You said it was the friend of another friend." Keith asked as he tilted his head.

Lance scratched the back of his neck nervously. He didn't know if vampires would like witches or wizards..

"Well, that fairy belongs to my friend Allura. She's a witch, but she uses her magic for the good." Lance shrugged as he felt his nervousness go away, "the fairy told me that Jessica is back home safely."

Keith nodded and stood to his feet, Lance followed.

"That's good." Keith then looked up to the dark cloudy sky, "so you still want to go with me on my journey after Lotor?" Keith asked.

Lance felt a smile slip onto his face as he almost felt his soul jumping.

"Of course!" Lance yelled out as he patted Keith's back.

Lance noticed that Keith was making him forget about the past, Lance didn't feel angry anymore.

"Then we better be on our way. Some of my allies said that the last time they saw Lotor, was in Fargo North Dakota." Keith said as he rubbed his nose from the cold.

"Fargo North Dakota... that's interesting.." Someone said.

Lance and Keith suddenly turned around to see a woman standing there with golden armor and a thick green cloak that covered her arms and back.

"It's a... amazon.." Keith whispered as he backed away a bit.

"Wait, what's an Amazon? Nobody ever told me about them." Lance said as he gave a nervous glance to the woman in front of them.

Keith shrugged and looked up to Lance.

"Amazon's are women warriors related to Scythians and Sarmatians. Apollonius Rhodius, at Argonautica, mentions that Amazons were the daughters of Ares and Harmonia. They were brutal and aggressive, and their main concern in life was war." Keith whispered with a shiver.

"Maybe they can help us." Lance responded after he leaned down to Keith's ear.

Keith shook his head before giving yet another nervous glance to the Amazon.

"No, like I said, all they want is war. And I've fought against amazons already, They want Lotor to themselves. They want him for power." Keith said as he looked back to the Amazon and scowled.

"You are correct vampire, but we don't want him for power. We want him so we can prove that we didn't fall weak." The Amazon said as she took out a golden sword with ancient markings on it.

Keith then bared his fangs and Lance took out his silver knife. They were ready fight.

"So, What do you want with us..." Keith snarled.

The Amazon chuckled and lowered her sword.

"I was just passing by and I heard you talking about Lotor. Not to mention you gave me his location." The Amazon said with a smirk.

Keith snarled and pounced at the Amazon before landing on top of her. The Amazon hissed and grabbed her sword.

"Now people can find Lotor, thanks to you." The Amazon said as she kicked Keith off and made him slam into a tree.

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