Chapter 5

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"Wait, you don't know who Lotor is?" Shiro asked with a tilt of his head.

Lance shook his head in confusion. Who was this Lotor?

"Well, Lotor is the vampire prince. He's the one behind the attacks. Me, Keith, and many others are fighting against him to protect the world from destruction." Shiro said with a slight growl.

"Lotor's behind all of this?! I have to find him and destroy him!" Lance yelled out with his eyes full of rage.

"Hold it there buddy, you cant just go to Lotor and fight him alone. He'll rip you to shreds." Shiro said with a sigh, "maybe Keith can join you. He's just as angry at them as you are. You would be a good team."

Keith's mouth dropped in surprise. Him, with a human?! No way.

"No, I'm not going with that excuse of a bounty hunter." Keith said with a scowl.

Shiro shrugged before patting Keith's shoulder.

"Well, you wanted to show your strength to humanity right?" Keith nodded, "then this is your chance. Now if you want to find Lotor. Now would be a great time." Shiro said with a smile before looking to Lance.

"Fine, but only because I'm getting to beat Lotor's ass!" Keith yelled out as he stood to his feet and pulled his hood on after walking outside.

"He might be a pain, but he'll warm up to you eventually." Shiro said with a slight chuckle to Lance.

Lance nodded with a smile and headed out as well. As he turned his back to the werewolf, he felt his face fall to a grouch. He didn't want to work with a vampire. He could be lying and attack him out of nowhere.

"Wait up." Lance said as he ran to Keith's side.

Keith didn't look up to the bounty hunter as he kept walking. He knew where this vampire nest was. He could almost sense it's location.

"If you want to help, you have to let me do the fighting. I don't want to risk any blood." Keith said with a grunt as he walked a bit faster.

Lance felt offended to that, he could fight perfectly fine!

"Hey, I can fight for myself thank you very much." Lance said with a roll of his eyes.

"Then prove it. When we get to the nest." Keith said as he gave a quick glare up to Lance before looking ahead of him again.

Lance shrugged and followed the vampire down the street. Keith was covering his face still so nobody would see him. He just wanted to abandon this Lance guy in the forest and forget about him. He could care less if Lance died to Lotor.

"Uh, are you sure it's here?" Lance asked as they traveled behind a building and headed up a hill to a massive forest.

"Yes, now stop asking questions and keep an eye out." Keith said as he removed his hood.

There was no need for it anymore since they were far from town. This time, Lance got a real good look at the vampire. Lance could almost feel his cheeks fade to a bright pink. He didn't know what he was feeling, but he knew it wasn't a normal feeling when around someone like this.

As they reached the trees and went deeper into the forest, clouds had made their way above them and a light snowfall had begun. Lance shivered a bit from wearing a short sleeved shirt. He should have been more prepared...

"Hold up." Keith said as he held his hand up to signal stop.

"What?" Lance froze cold when he saw a path of blood upon the thin layer of snow on the ground.

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