Chapter 10

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Clarkes P.O.V
This was it we are going to the ground again but this time it was a whole new planet with whole new threats. We load the few rations and supplies we will need for the days we will be down there on our own into the small air lock. Raven and shaw will land the ship the ones who are coming with me to ground will quickly get out of the ship picking up a pack of supplies. The ship will then return to the sky and wait until we tell them it's safe to come back down. I'm so focused on counting and making sure the supplies are correct I don't notice echo stand next to me until she speaks "after doing this once you would think you get used to it but you don't" she laughs. I smile at her kindly "it definitely doesn't get any easier" I respond wondering why she is talking to me. It's no secret that me and her do not get along in fact the last time we truly saw each other she tried to kill me so why bother interacting with me now. We stand around in awkward silence before she speaks again "so umm about what happened with the whole maddie thing" echo starts
"Don't worry about it, you did what you thought was right" I respond trying to sound as genuine as possible. Me and her will probably never get along maybe it's the long list of times she has tried to kill me or maybe it's simply because she took bellamy from me. I glance at Bellamy who is shouting orders to the group a smile creeps onto my face. After all these years he is still as bossy and annoying as the day I met him and I love him for it. Echo must notice me stearing at Bellamy "you love him don't you?" She asks
"What ?" I ask as nonchalant as possible but the question has taken me by suprise
"Bellamy you love him, it's clear to everyone." She tells me her eyes burning my skin. My heart is pounding and it's as if she can hear it. Maybe she can it's beating that hard it wouldn't suprise me if she could.
"We're only friends" I explain I return to counting the rations hoping it's the end of the conversation but I can still feel her eyes on me.
"But you wish to be more" she presses on
" why do you care echo?" I ask now getting irritated
" I don't know curiosity prahaps or I just want you to admit it"
"Fine I love him" I hiss at her it feels strange to actually say that out loud to admit it to someone "but he doesn't feel the same way" echo rolls her eyes at that but doesn't say anything. There is silence for a few minutes as if echo is processing what to do with this information. Will she tell him? God why was I so stupid to tell her I should have kept denying it now she knows and she hates me so she will tell everyone. Me and Bellamy was just getting our friendship back and now I have gone and ruined it. "You would be suprised" she says finally and with that she leaves . I return to counting but I can't stop thinking about echos words. It doesn't mean he likes me back does it? No how could he,he hardly even looks at me anymore I can't fill my head with an unrealistic fantasy of me and him we have a job to do.

After all the rations and supplies have been counted stacked and counted again it's time for launch. Me,Murphy,Bellamy,Dioza Miller,Jackson,and echo strap ourselves into the ship. Looks of both fear and maybe even a hit of excitement are on everyone's faces
"It's time time" raven shouts over the load roar of the engine. The ship starts to move and rock as we hurtle to the ground I grip hold of the straps until my knuckles are white. The ship starts to shake more violently now causing my head to bang on the back of my seat. Suddenly it stops we are on the ground shaking i unbuckle myself and get out of my seat. I pick up my pack of supplies and look around everyone is here stood in front of the doors awaiting the unknown. Life has gone on a full circle we are back here after so long. Bellamy reaches for the button and the doors slide open. The cold breeze hits me in the face as I take my first breath of fresh air in over a hundred years.

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