Chapter 1

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Clarke's POV
I look out of the large window at the new planet before me. The two suns orbiting around it making it look so much more beautiful it has to be bigger than earth was but not much more. "What we going to do then?" Bellamy asks me I wipe away the tears from my face and sigh.
" I guess we wake up some more people like the rest of SpaceKru and Maddie" I tell him. Things are still frosty between me and him I know he says he forgives me but I don't think he really does. I'm still angry he put the flame in Maddie's head but I now understand it was the right thing to do. The only choice. Funny it always seems to be the only choice with us. Bellamy removes his arm from around my shoulder I didn't even notice he had his arm around me and was about to leave the room. "Bellamy wait" I shout after him he stopped by the door and turned to look at me. " I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you to die" I tell him I look down at my feet
"I have already told you the commander has ordered for me to forgive you and I guess you can say we are even" he tells me. The problem is I don't want him to forgive me because he thinks he has too or should I want him to forgive me because he forgives me.
"That wasn't the same thing" I respond him leaving me 6 years ago no 131 years ago was not the same as me leaving him in the bunker he had to do that to save our friends. He nods in response and walks out of the door too let out our friends. His new family.

Bellamy's POV
I walk down the narrow corridors until I arrive at the Cryo chambers. I can't stop thinking about what Maddie has said Clarke had radioed me every day for 6 years. I know I spoke to her about it quickly before we went to sleep but I think there is more to be discussed. I wish we could go back to the old times when me and Clarke was so close we was almost one mind. The head and the heart unable to work without the other. The 6 years on the ark was hard especially the first few years It felt like I was drowning in the guilt and grief of losing her. I would just look out of the window for hours begging hoping that she was still out there. I shook my head to get rid of the memories of that terrible time and walk over to echos pod. I push the button and the small 'bed' hisses and opens echos eyes flutter open and she gives me a small smile. I return the smile and she steps out of the bed she looks around then gives me a quizzical look. " I'll explain in a bit we need to wake up the rest of SpaceKru and Heda" I tell her she nods and gives me a quick kiss on my cheek I go over and open up raven and Murphy. I can't believe I'm going to have to tell them that harper and Monty are gone and have left behind there son Jordan. I blink back tears at the loss of my friends two of the original 100. Not only do I have to tell them they are gone but so is earth and for real this time. After everyone is up I direct them too the bridge were Clarke and Jordan are. Were they will get the news that there friends who were like family are gone and so is there home and how we must start again.

Author's notes
Ok so this is my first ever fan fiction and I'm super excited about it. I will update as much as possible and there will be a bit of becho in the first few chapters but it is a bellarke story please comment and star (I'm new to Wattpad lol)

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