Chapter 6

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Ravens P.O.V

Me,Abby and Jackson have been trying to make nightblood. I have been trying to Remember from Becca being in my head. Unfortunately I can't  remember any of it that's actually of any help. "I can't I can't do it " I yell slamming my hands into the desk.
"We must do this and we can we haven't lived through 2 apocalypses traveled 75 years to a new planet to go down like this" Jackson says trying to reassure me. He is right we have lived through so much and lost so much I refuse to stop trying. I rest my head against the desk and close my eyes hoping that the solution will come to me but it doesn't. 

"How are you guys getting on?" Emori asks I wonder how long she and maddie have been here and when I drifted off to sleep. You would think after a 125 year long nap you would be well rested but honestly I feel like I could sleep for another hundred years. " not good" I tell them taking my head off the desk and pushing myself into a upright position. "I could really do with Becca in my head right about now"
"Well you might not have her in your head but she is in mine" maddie says with a smile
"She has told you something?" I ask a little shimmer of hope runs through my body
"Not exactly but she is willing to help"
"Amazing we just need to know how to make it or if we even can?" I explain trying to not get too excited things around here tend to go wrong. Maddie's eyes seem to change although they are the same hazel eyes they now seem to belong to someone else someone much older. Too Becca

Emori's P.O.V
It feels like 6 years ago (well 131) back In Beccas lab trying to figure out nightblood. The memory sends a chill down my spine. I know what happened then will not happen now or at least I hope it won't. I have left maddie with raven to try and figure out the next steps. I can't help but wonder if they will test on someone to see if it works. The image of the small glass tube and that guy I framed screaming in pain flashes through my head. I wonder around the ship with no real destination pulling my jacket around me trying to get the horrible image out of my head I have to get away. Running down one of the narrow corridors I bump quite literally into John. "Whoa watch were your going" he says on his usual snarky manner. I mumble an apology and try and push past him but he remains in my way. "What's going on?" He asks in a much softer voice
"Nothing I'm fine" I reply bluntly and try and push past him he blocks me again. Irritated I scowl at him. He raises an eyebrow and suddenly the anger just seeps away and tears start to form in my eyes. "It's 6 years -125 oh however long ago. There makings nightblood and it's just going around again and although I know they won't test it on me. They will someone maybe from Diozas people and I know how it feels" I half tell half shout at him.
"We won't let it happen" he says matter of factly. Although I know it's not up to him or me it makes me feel better I let out a sigh of relief and take johns hand.

Authors notes
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long just had stuff going on will try and update more soon. Please vote and comment:)

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