Heartless: He's been doing that a lot more lately....

Lostboy: Show off

Striker17: Maybe... That ones better, see ya.

LoneWolf: Oh Lumi.... Random question, what kind of flowers do you like?

That is random... (Favorite Flower)

Heartless: Noted.

Lostboy: Nice to know

Striker17: What kind of candy do you like?

(Favorite candy)

LoneWolf: Also noted.... I really have to go now. Good chat.

Bye Wolfy!

LoneWolf has left chat.

Heartless: Is it just me or did he seem kinda excited when he left.

Striker17: He was.... That guy... I have to step up....

??? What's going on?

Striker17: Nothing. Don't worry beautiful.... Your eyes look beautiful today.

Striker! (*/.\*) Why....

Striker17: I just wanted to look at you for a bit...

Lostboy: Freaking hacker

Heartless: I've been studying hacking... I'm amazed by him honestly.... This all confusing... And he does it so fast....

Striker17: That's.... Actually nice to hear from you Heartless.... You're really trying huh? I can give you some pointers if you want.

Heartless: Really? That would be helpful.

Lostboy: O.O What just happened...?

I don't know, we should watch out for flying pigs.... °^°

Lostboy: Scary... I'm not prepared for the apocalypse today...

Heartless: -_-

Striker17: What? I got to peek at Lumi so I'm feeling extra generous. ;) Have fun at the carnival beautiful.

Aw.... Wait I am there.... You're amazing Striker... I have to go, bye guys! Xoxoxooo

Heartless: Bye beautiful

Lostboy: I miss you already. Watch out for flying pigs!

Roger that!

Luminous has left chat

You look up at the carnival and smile. "So, anything new?" Vivi asks curiously.

"Striker is hacking everyone now, Heartless is so sweet. And Striker has offered to teach Heartless how to hack." You inform her. She gives you a shocked look at that. "Yeah.... Lostboy and I have predicted a seventy percent chance of flying pigs.... We should have brought an umbrella."

"Was Wolf on at all?" She inquires as you both get out of the car.

"Only for a little while. I guess he's busy today..." You shrug looking around. Vivi pays for the three tickets and waits with you at the entrance.

Smoker soon comes up in a grey collar shirt black pants and boots. He gives you a warm smile as he reaches both of you. "Shall we get going?"

"Yes! Lets go!" Vivi giggles leading you both in. You couldn't help but notice that Smoker was kinda fidgety as you walked around after Vivi.

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