BlueKitty: Aww! Did you start one just for Lumi? That's so cute!!

Striker17:..... Shut up....

Lostboy has joined chat.

LoneWolf has joined chat.

That's really sweet Striker....

Lostboy: ......

Lostboy what's wrong? Bad day?

Striker17: Are you lost again?

Lostboy: I hate school....

BlueKitty: What happened, want to talk about it buddy?

Lostboy: Not really.... Seems like all of your days have been good at least.

Yeah.... But it got better when you signed on ☺

Lostboy: Thanks Lumi.... I bet you look beautiful today.

Lostboy! (*/.\*)

LoneWolf: Anyone know where you can get pepper spray?

Striker17: I think you can get them at a Wal-Mart, Target, or a Dicks Sporting Goods. Why? Are you feeling threatened~?

LoneWolf: Its not for me smartass.

Heartless: Protection for your girlfriend?

LoneWolf: Not my girlfriend...

Wolfy you're so sweet and thoughtful! I adore you so much.

LoneWolf: Luminous....

BlueKitty: Aww, I bet you made him blush!

Lostboy: Luminous, you're sweet and thoughtful too.

I just care about you guys so much! You brighten my day by just being here! I'm so happy you all joined this chat room...

Striker17: I'm glad we joined too... Hard to believe someone as amazing as you has a hard time making friends in person.

Heartless: Social anxiety is a big obstacle, even for the best people.

Yeah... Thanks for understanding. But you know, I've been getting better thanks to you guys.

LoneWolf: No problem. You know you can always talk to us if you're scared or anxious.

Lostboy: Yep. And I come on here whenever I'm lost to see if one of you need to talk.

BlueKitty: So basically you're on all of the time?

Lostboy: Shut up.... But yeah, pretty much.

That's nice to know, don't worry Lostboy. I'll find you one of these days.

Lostboy: That would be awesome.

Striker17: Hey, I want to be found too...

Heartless: Me too

LoneWolf: I'll help you with the search Luminous.

So.... Hide and Seek?

BlueKitty: Seems like it.

Heartless: Yep

Striker17: Hell yeah.

LoneWolf: Alright, then it begins.

Right. Chat with you guys tomorrow! Xoxoxooo!

LoneWolf: Night Luminous, sleep well

Heartless: Sleep tight Lumi.

Lostboy: Goodnight

Striker17: I'll be dreaming about you tonight beautiful.

BlueKitty: Nighty night best friend!

You log off with a smile before climbing into bed with a yawn. "Goodnight..."

Wood work class was not what you signed up for. You were just put in it because your other choices were all full of people. Now It was even more so. You stood at your work table nervously, about to be paired with another Nova building student. Though you were curious after meeting Law, you were still anxious.

"Eustass, you go to table 17." Mr. Franky says. You pause, 17? That was your table. You look around for your new partner, until your eyes land on the approaching red head. He was intimidating, clearly built, pale skin, amber eyes and red hair kept back by a pair of goggles. He pauses blinking at you before offering a smile.

"Morning, I'm Kid." He offers his hand. You blink in surprise before taking his hand.

"M-Morning... I-I'm ___..." You squeak out. He blinks and tilts his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not a biter." He winks playfully before turning to the table. "So let's get started on the...Whatever we're doing." He rubs the back of his neck.

Saws were terrifying to you, especially since the sadist Heartless sent you those horror movie links for you to watch. Now every time you used one your imagination would show case the worst case scenarios and made you less motivated to work with a saw. Its getting too close... You swallow, about to stop completely but his hands come over yours making you freeze.

"Take it easy, you're in control, don't be scared..." He breathes guiding your hands away from the blade gently as makes the curve cut with you, just as the cut is finished, some rowdy guy bumps your table making it jerk and your heart skip a beat. Kid swiftly brought your hands to his chest, looking them over swiftly before relaxing and turning off the saw.

"Your arm!" You gasp and he looks at the already bloody cut before gritting his teeth.

"Hey asshole! Chill the fuck out! You almost hurt her with your screwing around, you piece of shit!" He grabbed the guy by the collar and you blanch. " Listen up you shits! If I catch any of you fooling around I'll saw off your writing hand got it!?" He demands to the rest of the class. They pale and step back as he releases the guy. "I'm going to the clinic." He adds to Mr. Franky before stalking out. You grab a towel and hurry after him, wrapping it around his injury and making him pause to raise an eyebrow at you.

"Are you okay?" You ask quietly. He blinks and nods.

"Yeah, you?"

"I'm good. Thanks." You smile. He smiles back.

"Good, if you weren't I would be tempted to go back and break that guys nose."

Damn he's scary...

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