"Thank you sir." You murmur.

"No problem, get your seatbelt on and tell me where to go." He tells you.

"I'm going to Alabasta drive," You answer clicking your seatbelt into place.

"That's some ways away, you can go back to texting, I'll get you there." He says. You nod shyly before focusing on your phone.

Heartless: Lumi? Did I do something wrong?

What? No I'm sorry, a cop just offered to give me a ride to BlueKitty's

Lostboy: That's cool of him.

Heartless: Are you sure that's safe? What if he's an imposter?

No.... He seems nice and genuine...

BlueKitty: Is he cute?

Blue!! (*/.\*)

BlueKitty: Just curious! Is he?

Yeah... He looks really strong too.

Striker17: Hey, I have muscles too

Lostboy: I thought you were a hacker.

Striker17: So? That doesn't mean I don't work out!

Heartless: Girls do seem to like muscles and tattoos, must make them feel safe

Wait.... Do you have tattoos Heartless?

Heartless: I do.

Lostboy: What about scars?

BlueKitty: Luminous likes scars too, she traces Chaka's whenever they're showing.

Striker17: Who's Chaka?

BlueKitty: He's my... Uncle?

Heartless: Why'd that come out like a question?

Lostboy: Hey Lum, that cop isn't checking you out right?

Um... No... I'm going to talk to him, I feel kind of rude.

Heartless: So sweet...

You look at the officer carefully. "Um.... Thanks for giving me a ride." You murmur. His amber eyes glint to you.

"I just didn't want you to get hurt when I can just give you a ride." He offers a shrug.

"That's nice of you still.... I'm ___." You introduce yourself offering a smile.

"Smoker.... I just got that route so I'll probably offer you a ride if I catch you walking around in the dark alone, alright?" He rumbles.

"If that makes you feel better.... Have you been a cop for long?" You inquire.

"Two years, I graduated school before that." He smirks a bit, glancing at you. "You don't have to talk to me, I'm sure we'll see a lot of each other." He adds. You blink at him and smile a bit more.


Heartless: You're lost.

Lostboy: I am not...

This cop is so cool T.T

BlueKitty: Aww, do you have a crush?


No, but seriously, he's so chill...

Heartless: Careful, I think Striker is jealous.

But Striker, I adore you.

Striker17:.... I also adore you

Heartless: Wow that was an awkward response... Luminous, you light up my day.

BlueKitty: Cheesy! XP

Lostboy: I could get lost in your eyes Luminous

You get lost looking in the mirror Lostboy

Striker17: Haha! XD Lumi you're amazing.

BlueKitty: No.... You guys are bad at this.

Heartless: Then show us how it's done BlueKitty

Please don't.... >\\\>

BlueKitty: Luminous, not a day goes by where I don't think of you. Your smile, the sparkle in your eyes is all I ask for in a day. So beautiful and sweet... You are the best part of my day.

Lostboy: .... That made me blush a bit.

Oh god BlueKitty. You stole that from my notebook!

BlueKitty: Oops... Didn't think you'd remember that one.

Heartless: Wait, what notebook?

Striker17: Yeah what notebook?

I have to go now Bye!

Luminous has left the chat.

"Alright, which house is- Are you okay? You're all red." Smoker raises an eyebrow at you.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine my friends are just silly." You giggle sheepishly with a blush. "Its right up there."

"Alright... I know how it is to have crazy friends, I'd talk to them more if I wasn't working so much." He comments pulling up to Vivi's house.

"I bet.... Thanks, have a good day Smoker, and be careful." You smile as you open the door.

"You too ___." He nods and you get out, closing the door before heading up to the front door as Pell opens it.

"Good morning, ___, We'll leave for school shortly." He informs you.

"Alright, sounds good to me." You smile before heading for Vivi's room. "Vivi! You better not have told them!"

"I already did! They liked it!" She giggles as you open the door. You huff and she sticks her tongue out at you.

"If only more people were like them..." You sigh.

"I know... Oh well, less competition for me." She winks playfully and you roll your eyes.

"You're a cheeseball...."

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