Chapter 6

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"HURRY UP YOU LAZY SACK OF SHIT. WE NEED EVERYTHING TO BE PERFECT FOR HARRY" shouted a young brunette woman up the stairs to her husband "ALRIGHT, I'M COMING YOU BANSHEE" yelled a young blonde man who was 6'4 and regretting all his life choices as he's just made the biggest mistake of his life "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A BANSHEE WAIT TILL YOU GET DOWN HERE PENRIL ALERTEYES-SERPENTHELM" Penril widens his eyes and freezes on the spot "Crap" he hears laughter coming from the kitchen downstairs from his three eldest sons and sighs "Stupid sons, don't even help their old man. How I've raised them wrong" he shakes his head and mentally prepares himself to face the beast I mean wife.

As he stands at the top of the stairs he can see he fuming wife pacing back and forth muttering something probably about him. "Um" Penril is speechless. Willow snaps her head up at him and his eyes widen "Get down here now!" He can picture getting his ass beat if he does by her, so he shakes his head "Nope" Willow stops pacing "Excuse me" she puts her hands on her hips and gives him the mom stare that he always sees her giving the kids "You heard me" he puts a tough guy act up. He sees Willows right eye twitch and knows that he's screwed up "Uh oh, dads in trouble" Big trouble" "He's gonna get his ass kicked, HA" he looks away from his even more fuming wife to see his three eldest sons watching from the kitchen doorway whispering to each other.

He points to them "Don't you have homework to do or something" "Seriously dad, we're not in Hogwarts we're to old now" Thomorn the second oldest explains "Oh yeah, so why the fuck you still living in my house" "Our house" he hears Willow mutter he turns to smile at her and she glares "Because it's free" Elroar the oldest says leaning against the doorway with a lazy grins on his face "And because we love you" Cruward the youngest boy out of the trio shouts out Penril smiles at him "That too" Elroar points to Cruward and Penril glares at him "Remind me to kick you out" Elroar shrugs "Sure" "We're not kicking anyone out" Willows demands "Bu-" "NO" Penril sighs "Fine, bloody Whomping Willow" her eye twitches again and he knows he fucked up for the third time "Ooh dads in for it now" he hears Elroar taunting in the background but before he could tell him to shut it he sees his wife running at him.

Penril will deny all claims that he let out a girly scream till the day he dies but Elroar lets just say he caught It on the muggle thing called a video camera and is selling copies in Diagon Alley.

Another chapter up I'm on a roll. When I was writing this I realised that I spelt Penril's name wrong and had to go back and change it was Panril but it was supposed to be Penril. Anyway, hope you liked it. I also have three more Harry Potter books that I'm working on at the moment I'll tell you in full detail maybe in the week when I've sorted everything out and I might need some advice on them so stay tuned for that.

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