Chapter 3

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I walked down the stairs with Ron to actually see that he was right. Hermione is pulling at the ends of her hair. "Finally, what took you so long?" Hermione turns to us with her hands on her hips. "Just having a chat about everything that's happened these past four years." Ron taps my head then walks up to Hermione and kisses her cheek "Sorry for making you wait for us love" She sighs "That's fine, are you okay Harry?" They both turn towards me, I shrug "Yeah, I just have to get used to how my life will be now I guess" I smile and walk towards them. Hermione hugs me. "Mate, we are the Golden Trio. We can get through anything" Ron puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk out of the common room to go get breakfast with Hermione walking behind with a small smile on her face, not that we knew.

As we walk into the hall everyone quiets down and looks at us. I sigh and look down "Why can't people just for one day act like I'm not here" Ron keeps his arm over my shoulder and walks me to the Gryffindor table "You're Harry Potter you can't change that. It's always going to happen mate" me and Ron sit next to each other while Hermione sits opposite me "Harry let's not dwell on that now and enjoy our last day here" I look at her and smile "Your right, I should have some fun" Hermione smiles back at me then looks at Ron and makes a disgusted face watching him eat "You act like you haven't eaten for years" I stare into space while playing with my food. "Oh, I'm sorry your majesty. I didn't know you were dining with me this morning?" I hear Hermione sigh "Ron, don't be sarcastic with me" "Don't lecture me about manners. I know what they are" "Really? Couldn't tell with the food falling out of your mouth" I hear Seamus laugh "Seamus I'll shove this sausage so far up you as-" "RON" Hermione shouts at Ron then hits him on the back of the head "OW, bloody hell woman" he rubs his head while I laugh at the seen with the rest of Gryffindor house and the other houses even Slytherin. "Harry, don't laugh your supposed to be on my side" I laugh "Sorry but it was hilarious" I continue to laugh Ron smiles at me "That's the first time you've laughed in awhile. I'm glad" I stop laughing and look at the table then look up to him and give him a small smile. "Come on we need to get ready and then leave for the train" Hermione gets up "I've packed everything so I'm going to the library for a quick light reading. I'll meet you at the train" she walks off "Light reading? That to her is like reading the inter book of Hogwarts a history 5 times" Ron and I laugh while walking back to the common room

We walk up the moving stairs and wait for it to stop on our floor. I hug Ron's back and grip onto his shirt "Wow, what's going on?" Ron turns around and sees me start to cry "Hey don't cry again. It pains me to see you in pain" I hide my face in his neck "I don't know what I would do if you weren't here" I continue to cry and grip on to him harder. The stairs have stopped and Ron seems to notice this too so he grabs my legs and wraps them around his waste while I wrap my arms around his neck and hide my face.

I didn't notice that we were already in our dorm until Ron sat on the bed with me on his lap "I'll never leave you Harry. I love you" I sniffle and look up "I love you too" and Ron leans in to give me a gentle kiss on the lips and then kisses away my tears falling down my cheeks. "I'll protect you and love you till your mates come along Harry" "Your only doing it because I'm a submissive" I pout and look down. He gently grabs my chin and tilts my head up to face him "Yes, that's partly the reason but also because your my friend Harry and I can't see you in pain and as a Dominant I have to do something even if I have to mark you till your mates arrive I will" I widen my eyes "You'll do that" he nods "To protect you from other Dominants I will" I grab his face and smash my lips on his while sliding in my tongue "M-mmm, H-h-Harry I w-would l-l-love to c-continue th-is b-but we might be l-late" Ron stutters out between kisses.

I start to grind my hips into his and moan I feel him get hard under me and I moan loudly. "R-Ron I w-w-want yo-u" I speed up grinding harder on his lap I feel hands digging into my hips and then push me on the bed "So be it" Ron starts to unzip my trousers and slid them down after that he starts to kiss up my legs to my crouch and bits down causing me to moan and grab his hair while lifting my hips up. Ron continues to jerk me off with his mouth till I cum. While I'm a panting mess on the bed he takes of my pants cleans me up and puts new pants on me and then my trousers. "I loved hearing you moan under me" he leans down and kisses me passionately and then sucks on my neck that's gonna leave a bruise I moan softly and gently pull his hair and pushes my hips up meets his causing him to groan "We should leave before we miss the train and also before I bend you over that bed and take you" he gets up and picks up his and my bags then walks to the common room. I sigh and get up and turn around to see the full view of the dorm "Till next time Hogwarts, when I come back I won't be the boy-why-lived I'll be Harry James Penverll Potter-Serpenthelm" I turn around and walk out but not before I feel the warm magic of Hogwarts consuming me and telling me that she'll miss me. I smile and start to catch up to Ron.

Okay, I said they were brothers in the last chapter I know but I'll explain everything to do with there relationship and it's related to Dominants and Submissives. The next chapter will be all about that anyway did you as this chapter leaves me to know in the comments what you think

 The next chapter will be all about that anyway did you as this chapter leaves me to know in the comments what you think

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