Stiles took a step back at the tone of her face. It was almost detached, almost emotionless.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asked. Brooke looked at his concerned face and shook her head. She couldn't tell him.

"Nothing," Brooke shook her head. She walked towards the door, squeezing Stiles' hand as she walked past him. "See you later, Stiles."

She had made it out of the school and into the parking lot before he caught up. He called out her name, desperation in his voice. She turned around slowly, a grimace on her face. Stiles was standing a few yards away from her. Scott, who had clearly gotten dressed in a hurry, was behind him.

"You took his side?" Stiles called out in disbelief.

"You don't get it, Stiles," Brooke said.

Stiles scoffed. "You're right. I don't."

"Of all people I'd thought you'd be the one to understand," Brooke said with a shake of her head.

Stiles looked at her and shook his head. "Understand, what Brooke? You're helping him kill people."

"It's more than that, Stiles," She said. She wanted to tell him more, but she knew she couldn't. His dad was the police chief, after all.

With that, she turned on her heel and ran away from them. Stiles watched as her speed picked up and her figure blurred as she left him.


Saying that Bryan Moore was shocked to find his dead wife's brother-in-law sitting on his couch with his daughter is a bit of an understatement.

It was around five o'clock in the morning, and he had just returned from a work trip to Mexico. He was expecting to find the house silent, and climb into his bed to take an hour nap before he woke Brooke up for school.

Instead, he found her already awake, a mug of coffee in front of her with Peter Hale lounged on the couch next her and Derek in the sofa chair besides them. He was surprised to see his daughter up as she was never a morning person, but a quick glance at her made Bryan realize she never went to bed at all.

"Uh... hello?" Bryan introduced himself. Brooke jumped off the couch immediately.

"Dad!" She said in surprise. She quickly walked over and hugged him. "I forgot you were coming back this morning."

Bryan hugged her back, but pulled away quickly and glanced over her shoulder with narrowed eyes. Derek nodded in acknowledgement and Peter gave a casual wave.

"Dad, you remember Peter, right? Aunt Talia's brother in law?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah," Bryan said, setting down is duffle bag on the floor. "But last I heard he was still in a vegetable state."

Brooke went to respond, but Peter cut her off. "Well luckily, Bryan, I have recently come into certain abilities that triggered the healing process."

Brooke rolled her eyes and turned to her dad. "He's the Alpha."

Peter pouted. "You always ruin my fun."

Brooke snorted. "And you always waste time with your dramatics. Seriously, you're the most dramatic person I know, and I know freshmen."

Derek ignored them and walked towards Bryan. "We have some things to explain, Bryan. You might want to sit down."

Once the four were seated, Brooke, Derek, and Peter explained everything that had happened. They left out the fact that they were trying to get revenge on those responsible for the fire, knowing Bryan would not be happy about Brooke's involvement in a revenge plot.

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