Emily Jones

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Name: Emily Jones 

Age: 17

Likes: All kins of music, handing with her friends, loves her brother more than anything in the world, long walks, carnivals and romance.

Dislikes: Bully's, When people make her or others sad, waking up and being alone, Jake Marconni, when people stereo type her as a dumb emo. 

Heyy there I'm Emily Jones. i dont really know what to say i never have been good with words. im usually really happy and down to earth unless im being made to do something i hate or am being treated like shit. up until year 9 i had been getting bullied and for a while i went through really bad depression but my brother Sean helped me through. Sean is the bes thing that ever happened to me, i love him more than i could ever love anyone or anything, i dont know what i would do if i ever lost him.

Well i have to go. My mum and step Dad David want to talk to me about something.

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