Chapter 5 - Getting kidnapped and freed

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Caitlynn was walking around as then she came by sheriff station and saw that Henry was walking inside of it and she followed. Henry sat down and grabbed his book as then Caitlynn comes inside and Henry clearly heard her and looked up. "Aunt, Caitlynn." He greeted to her.

"Hey." Caitlynn greeted as she walked further and saw that Mary Margaret was gone. Emma had said to Caitlynn that Mary Margaret was convicted for murder. Then Caitlynn walked back. "Mary is gone."

"She's gone?" Henry asked worried but also enthusiast.

"Yes." Caitlynn replied as then they hear someone coming and they saw it was Emma and Mr. Gold.

"Henry. Caitlynn." Emma asked to Henry. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to congratulate you." Henry said to her.

"For what?" Emma asked confused.

"Your genius plan." Henry replied enthusiast.

"And what plan's that, Henry?" Mr. Gold asked to Henry as he didn't answer him. Then Mr. Gold comment. "Right." He walked away.

"Sorry. I thought Mr. Gold was in on it now that he's Ms. Blanchard's lawyer." Henry explained it to Emma.

"In on what?" Emma asked curiously about what going on.

"The escape plan." Henry replied to her as then he put his book in the bag.

"The what?" Emma asked confused again and looked at her sister as she just shrugged at her.

"Sheriff, could you join me, please?" They all looked at each other as then they walked to Mr. Gold as then he said to Emma. "She's gone."

"Henry, what did you do?" Emma asked as she walked to the cell, where Mary Margaret was.

"Nothing." Henry replied to her as he held his hands up. "She was gone when aunt Caitlynn and I got here."

"Her arraignment's tomorrow. If she's not there..." He was cut off by Emma.

"She's a fugitive. Doesn't matter if she's convicted for Kathryn or not, she's screwed. I have to go find her before someone notices she's missing." Emma told to them as she walked to her office.

"Oh, you mean Regina? The arraignment's at 8:00 A.M." Mr. Gold asked to her.

"I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory." Emma replied as she grabbed a pistol and put it in her jacket.

"You have until 8:00 A.M. then." Mr. Gold told to her as he looked at her.

"Uh, what about me? How can I help?" Henry asked as he walked a bit forwards to her office.

"Go home." Emma replied to him as she walked out of her office.

"Emma. If she leaves Storybrooke..." Henry began as he was cut off by Emma.

"Not now, Henry. Come on." She said to her son.

"I will help you." Caitlynn told to her sister as Emma sighed.

"Caitlynn." Emma began...

Caitlynn looked at her sister. "Don't Caitlynn me. I'm going to help you, Emma." Emma nodded at her sister while Mr. Gold was watching them, he saw something about Caitlynn, like she believed.

Then Mr. Gold spoke to Emma. "Ms. Swan, I know time is of the essence, but if Ms. Blanchard doesn't return, her future's in jeopardy, and if you're caught helping her, so is yours."

"I don't care. I'd rather lose my job than my friend." Emma told to him as then she looked at her sister who nodded to her. Then they walked away to find Mary Margaret.

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