Chapter 1 - Coming to Storybrooke

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28 years later, Caitlynn was sitting in the living room watching television, until she heard the bell from the front door. She stood up and walked to the front door. Caitlynn opened the front door. "Hello?!" She called, but there no one there, till she looked on the ground and she saw a letter. She went down and picked it up and closed the front door and she walked back to the living room.

Caitlynn read the letter, it said she had to come to a town called Storybrooke, in Maine. Then she read who had send it, his name was August W. Booth. Caitlynn looked confused at the letter. 'Why would someone let me come to a town named Storybrooke?' She thought, then she walked to her room and she packed her things as she wanted to know why she had to come to Storybrooke.


Later Caitlynn had packed her things and had booked a ticked to get to Storybrooke in Maine. When she had everything, she went to the airport to go on the plane. Hours later, she landed and she picked up her things, Caitlynn arranged a taxi and went to Storybrooke. She went from New York to Boston and now to Storybrooke.


When Caitlynn arrived in Storybrooke, she thought it's a quiet, silent town. The taxi stopped by Granny's and she stepped out and picked up her things as then she paid the taxi driver. Caitlynn picked up her suitcase and walked to Granny's.

Caitlynn opened the door and she went inside and she walked to a table, she sat down and she had her suitcase with her. A few minutes later a waitress came to her. "Hey Emma, nice hair."

Caitlynn looked up see who it was, it was a waitress. "I'm not Emma, my name is Caitlynn and I would like to have a drink." She said boldly to the waitress.

"Oh, sorry. My mistake." The waitress apologised to her. "My name is Ruby, BTW."

"Your apologize is accepted." Caitlynn said, now calmly to her. "And a nice name you have, maybe now I can have a drink?" She asked nicely.

"Yes, you can have a drink." Ruby replied, also nicely to her. "Which drink?" She asked to her.

"Cola, please." Caitlynn replied to her.

"Coming right up." Ruby nodded and walked away to get her a drink.

Caitlynn found it very confusing, that she was called Emma. She looked around and found a newspaper on another table, she leaned sideward and picked it up. Caitlynn opened the newspaper and read the title of the newspaper. "Emma Swan is the new sheriff of Storybrooke." Caitlynn whispered to herself.

Then her drink came, Ruby walked to her. "Here's your drink." She said to her.

"Thank you." Caitlynn comment nicely to her, then she asked. "Do you know where I can find Emma Swan?"

"At the police station." Ruby replied to her.

"Thank you again." Caitlynn thanked to her as she took a sip of her drink.

"No problem." Ruby smiled as then she walked away.

Caitlynn drank her drink as she looked at the newspaper, then she was done with drink and fold up the newspaper, she also left behind some money for the drink as she picked up her suitcase and went to the police station.


Later Caitlynn was by the police station and opened the door, she went inside. "Hello?!" She called out as she walked around, then she heard voices. Caitlynn walked closer to the voices as she had just heard.

"Pastrami. You want half? You know I still owe you that favor. Nice, fatty pastrami. Delicious way to clear the books." A female voice said.

"Well, I don't need a reminder that you owe me a favor. And when the day comes that I make my request, it'll be for more than half a sandwich." A male voice said.

Caitlynn walked closer and could see then and she spoke to them. "Hello."

The others looked at her direction as they looked surprised to see her standing there. The one that sit behind the desk, she let her sandwich on the table and came to her. "Hello." She comment to Caitlynn. "You look familiar."

"Yeah, you too." Caitlynn said dryly to her. "Emma." She smiled at her.

"Caitlynn." Emma said to her.

"Hey, twin." Caitlynn waved at Emma and put her suitcase on the ground.

"When was it you got adopted?" Emma asked to her.

"We were 7 years old." Caitlynn replied to Emma. "Do you still remember?"

"Yes of course, but what are you doing here?" Emma asked, forgetting that Mr. Gold was there.

"I had letter that I had to come here, to Storybrooke. Then I came to Granny's and someone there confused me with you. She really thought that I was you, but then with brown hair." Caitlynn explained her story. "So I found a newspaper, asked around and now I'm here." Mr. Gold looked interested and listened to her story as Emma still looked surprised to her as she could barely remember Caitlynn, they were 7 years old, when she was adopted in the Sparrow family, but she could still remember the day Caitlynn went away with the Sparrow family.

"Okay." Emma blinked.

Then Caitlynn looked at the man behind the bars. "Who's he?" She asked as then she pointed at him.

Emma also looked at him. "Oh, that's Mr. Gold."

"I can speak for myself, thank you very much." Mr. Gold said, looking at them.

"I don't care." Emma said to him.

"Oh..." Caitlynn comment awkwardly.

Just then the Mayor walked to them, with her son. "Sheriff Swan? I'm letting you have... Take him out. Buy him ice cream." She said in a rush.

"You want me to leave you alone with a prisoner?" Emma asked to the Mayor as she didn't answer and looked at Caitlynn.

"Who are you?" The Mayor asked boldly.

"I'm Caitlynn, Emma's sister." Caitlyn replied also boldly. "And who are you?" She asked.

"Regina Mills." Regina replied to her.

"Okay, I'm going." Caitlynn said to them as then she picked up her suitcase as she walked away.

Then Henry said to Emma. "Hi, Emma."

"Hey." Emma said to Henry.

"29,5 minutes." Regina suddenly said to Emma. Emma rolled her eyes to Regina.

"Bring me back a cone." Mr. Gold said to Emma.

"Just this once. Come on." Emma said as she picked up her jacket. "Let's go."

Emma and Henry walked away from Regina and Mr. Gold.


Outside Caitlynn walked back to Granny's, then she was by Granny's and opened the door. Caitlynn walked inside and walked to an old lady. "Hello." Caitlynn said to her. "Do you have a room or something else I can sleep?"

"Yes, if you walk with me." The old lady replied.

They walked behind the restaurant to the hotel, the old lady walked to table with a book and grabbed a pen. "You wanted a room right?" She asked.

"Yes." Caitlynn replied.

"Well, we have a hotel behind Granny's." She told to Caitlynn as then she asked. "And what's your name?"

"Caitlynn Sparrow." Caitlynn replied as the old lady write it down.

Then she gave Caitlynn her key to her room. "Here's your key, you sleep in the room 8."

"Thank you." Caitlynn said kindly to her, then she grabbed the key from the old lady and walked away to find her room.

Then Caitlynn found her room and opened the door with the key. She walked inside of the room and she put her suitcase on the bed. Then she closed the door and packed out her things.

She definitely wanted to stay in Storybrooke.


Published: 31 august 2018

Edited: 11 march 2024

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