Chapter 3 (Lea)

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I had just got done doing a lap dance for a

client at the club I was working at when I got

the call from daddy. Whenever he called

everything was put on pause. Everything! This

included clients. I didn't give a fuck because

these clients weren't taking care of me the way

Antwan was.

Antwan bought me a studio apartment and a

new edition Lexus. He paid all my bills even

though he was in a different state living with

his wife and he made sure I was straight.

I missed daddy by now. It had been almost

two months since we last kicked it and that was

hard. I was happy to get that call. I knew the

club manager was going to be upset about me

breaking the no cell phone policy, but what was

he gonna do? Fire me? I was the best ass

shaken hoe he had!

I held my phone while it buzzed in my hand.

The word daddy popped up on the caller I.d.

The client was looking at me like I was crazy

when I answered and start walking away. I

didn't give a fuck about the few dollars he was

throwing. In fact, I left those bills on the


I had already picked up the line, but wasn't

speaking as I tried escaping the loud song

murder business that played by artist Iggy

Azalea. I think I sped off so fast that I even

knocked a drink out of a customer's hand by


Finally when I was clear from all the noise I

was able to speak to Antwan. "Daddy!" I

answered while plugging the other ear with my

finger. "Wassup shorty?" He greeted. "Thank

you for the Christian Labouttion heels. They

came in handy for my birthday, but I miss you

already." I confessed. "Do you miss me enough

to fly out here tonight?" He asked in a joking

manor. This was music to my ears. "We already

got the ticket for you." He finished. "Who's

we?" I questioned. "Me and Tierra. Who else?"

He shot. "Oh yea Tierra." I said in a blah tone

while rolling my eyes.

I mean Tierra was alright. It was fun hanging

with her, but I missed the times when it was

only him and I. Now days it seemed like he

only wanted to kick it with me when Tierra was

around. If she wasn't involved than he wasn't


This effected everything between us.

Anytime before, he was way more into me.

Then she got involved and he stopped fuckin

me the way he used to, he didn't want to spend

anymore nights with me alone, and he stopped

holding long conversations with me. He told

me he didn't want to keep playing with his

wife's feelings, but what about my feelings?

"Alright. What time do I need to be at the

airport?" I asked while giving in. "In the next

two hours. Me and T will pick you up at 11." He


Normally I didn't mind Tierra being in the

mix, but this was really starting to get to me.

How he let her control him, control the

situation,and damn near control me! I knew

that if I ever disrespected Tierra that was it for

my ass.

The two of them could get any girl and I was

lucky they chose me. I was lucky to get my

allowance for being obedient to daddy and his

wife. Where else was my broke down ass gonna

get the type of lifestyle where I can make ten

thousand a month? I had already fucked up

with Nate after choosing Antwan over him. I

was thankful that Nate didn't want to kill me or

get rid of me the way I saw him do other

women in his circle. I bet the only reason my

ass was spared was because Antwan paid

twenty thousand to purchase me like a piece of

property. Therefore my ass had better stayed in

line. And I couldn't afford to be shipped back

to Korea.

A Hood Nigga's Forever Chic! Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora