Not Extinct

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Ten years later...

The door unlocked again. I didn't even need to open my eyes to know that it had. The sound alone was enough for me. When you've been in a cell long enough, you get used to every single detail about it.

I sighed and kept my eyes shut.

"Breakfast." The guard said gruffly and set down a tray.

"I don't think it's considered breakfast if it's only a piece of moldy bread and dirty water." I remarked.

The guard just left and locked the door again. Once I heard the outer door close, I opened my eyes.

I was ready to initiate my plan.

Grabbing the pick from underneath the hay, I stuck it into the lock and twisted and turned until a click sounded.

The door opened and I carefully tiptoed out as to not make any sound. The door to the right would take me down a hallway past the kitchens.

I snuck into there and went through the kitchen and stole a kitchen knife, just in case. My goal was to make it to the armory. I just knew that my belongings would be in there.

Once I made it to the armory, I searched all over for my effects.

The sound of marching came close. I hid behind two wheel barrels as a Telmarine soldier walked past. Once he was clear, I made my way to the glass case on the other side of the room. I opened it and there they were. My sword and my armor.

I slid them both on quickly and quietly. Once I was dressed and armed, I snuck through the hallways and found a window.

The drop wasn't very high but it wasn't outside the gates. Nevertheless, I slid down the roof and crept on top of the ledge that was leading to the gate.

I made it across without being spotted and hopped off the ledge on the other side. Now I just had to get out of town and into the forest.

A horse's neigh came from my left and I saw a black horse tied to a wagon. Smiling at my luck, I untied it and hopped on. From there, I rode away from the town and across the drawbridge.

The horse sprinted all the way out until we came across a valley and made it into the forest. We trotted the rest of the way. I led the horse to where Cair Paravel used to be, only to find ruins and rubble. Trees and foliage were starting to grow there too.

No bodies. No bones. As if it simply just happened and not as if it were attacked.

I roamed around after tying my horse to a tree. The four thrones I had come to love were now only mere stubs of marble. Everything magnificent about it was crushed.

Remembering the secret room, I ran to the hidden doorway and made my way down the steps into the treasure room. Inside was a statue of each Pevensie and a chest for each.

I went to Edmund's first and opened it. His chess set was the first thing I saw. Picking up a piece of it, I stuffed it into my pocket and moved on. I couldn't bring myself to take Peter's sword or Lucy's cordial. But I looked into Susan's chest and saw that her horn had appeared there.

"Strange." I say to myself.

I strapped it to my side and walked out of the chamber. No need to remind myself of how they left me any more than I need to.

I untied the horse and we rode back into the forest and into an old village. There were no people in the houses and I hoped they wouldn't mind if I stayed in there for a bit.

It's like everyone vanished.

I slept in a bed in someone's home and lived there.


I've spent so many years alone. Thousands of years. Even if anyone was out there, they didn't make their presence known. Until now.

I was walking through the forest to scavenge for berries when I heard a branch snap. I whipped my head in that direction and saw a figure run by. Unsheathing my sword, I called out to them.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

Another rustle.

Next thing I know, the figure jumped on my chest and knocked me down. My sword was kicked just out of my reach and I looked back at the attacker. I froze immediately.

"You're a dwarf." I stated in shock.

"Hurry up and kill the Telmarine!" another voice said from behind.

Another dwarf and a badger were behind him, both with weapons of their own.

The dwarf on top of me raised his dagger.

"Wait! I'm not a Telmarine. I'm Narnian."

"She's lying! Kill her!"

"Nikabrik just hold on. If you really are Narnian, prove it." the badger said.

I scanned my brain for things that might prove to them I'm on their side.

"My sword. Look at it." I said.

The badger carefully picked it up and examined. Their eyes went wide in realization.

"It can't be."

"Is she lying or not?" the orange haired one on me asked grumpily.

"Where did you get this?" the badger asked.

"It's mine. It was bestowed to me by Aslan." I informed.

"Get off her Trumpkin." the badger demanded.

The dwarf got off and I sat up.

The other two looked at the sword in amazement.

"It's impossible. This sword belongs to the Knight Of Narnia. She would've died thousands of years ago." Nikabrik accused.

"I'm not lying. Aslan placed a spell on me so that I wouldn't age. I've been this young since the Kings and Queens have been ruling." I defended.

"A sword gives us only one piece of evidence. You'll need more than that." Trumpkin said to diffuse the arguing.

I pulled out Susan's horn from behind my back.

"I wouldn't have this if I was lying, would I?"

The dwarf took it and held it gingerly.

"Beards and bedsteads. She's telling the truth."

They all looked up at me.

"We need to take her to the others."

They nodded their heads and I followed them. They handed me back my possessions as we walked through the forest for miles on end. I answered their questions along the way, from the attack up until this point.

"It must have been hard for you to be alone all these years. And for them to just abandon you." Trufflehunter, the badger, said.

I hardened my eyes and tried to push away the anger from my voice.

"I'm grown used to people leaving me."

The Knight {Edmund Pevensie}Where stories live. Discover now