She walked up to me. I looked down and braced myself.

"No." She said suddenly. I looked at her. I noticed that she was as tall as me, probably about three inches taller though.

"You're not?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I trust you. I consider you as a friend." She told me, turning around. "Plus, I owe you for saving me from whatever that thing was that hit you."

"Shadow I-"

She turned to face me. "Kiana." She told me. "You can call me Kiana." I smiled, then I  ran at her unconsciously and tackled her into a hug. I caught her by surprise, but she hugged me back. I pulled away and looked in the direction of the crashed motorcycle.

"Help me find the guy." I said.

"Who?" She asked, puzzled.

"The guy on the motorcycle.". I replied. She looked at me confused." That's the name of the thing that hit me. "

She did a silent "ooh".

" I have a question though." She told me.

"And that is?"

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Oh. My real names Michael, though my old friends used to call me "Mike". But since your my friend, you could call me that if you want."

She nodded, then turned around and began searching. I did the same, and after a few minutes of looking around, Kiana called out to me.

"Michael!" She yelled."Over here! I found them!"

I ran over to her. She sat next to a person with a motorcycle helmet on, laying limply in the grass.

"They're not moving." Kiana said, looking at the helmet. She touched the side of it gingerly, then looked at me.

"Look." She said. I went over and crouched next to her. I looked at the helm. It was cracked on the top, blood on the glass, exposing black hair that was slightly bloody.

"They're hurt." I said with concern. I gently and slowly took off the helmet, revealing the face of an unconscious boy. He looked about fifteen or sixteen, with short black hair that was kind of long at the bangs.

Kiana gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"I- I've seen this boy before." She said.

"Really?" I said, surprised. She nodded. Next to me, the boy started to move.

"Ugh......" He groaned quietly. "My head... "

I shapeshifted so that I looked like a Mixed-Soul in human form before his eyes slowly opened. He looked at us with wide eyes before wincing and putting his hand on his head in pain.

"Are you alright?" I asked. He looked at us and gasped slightly.

"You.. " He said, looking at Kiana. She glanced at me nervously.

"Hey. I'm here too." I said.

He looked at me.

"Uh... Hi?" He said.

"Are you hurt?" I asked. "Because we could-"

"No, we can't" Kiana interrupted. "He seems fine. Let's just leave him here and be over with it."

"No wait! Please.." He said. "It hurts.. "

I looked at Kiana. I stood up, grabbed her hand, and walked away out of earshot from the guy.

"Why can't we help him?" I asked.

"Because we'll be breaking the Mixed-Soul Law if we do." She replied.


"There's a code that's set for all Mixed-Souls that has a lot of rules. Some of which include humans and to not get involved with them."

"But I'm human, so does that mean.....?"

"Yes." She said. "That's why my dad can't find out about this."

"What's the penalty?" I asked

She looked away. "Death." She said quietly. I blinked in surprise.

"Death?" I said in shock. She nodded sadly. I looked at the guy, who gingerly touched his head wound, wincing everytime.

"But Kiana, he's hurt." I said.

"I know, but still, he might have weapons."

I looked at her pleadingly. She sighed in defeat.

"Fine." She said. "But we're leaving straight after we heal him."

I looked at her. "I'm sorry, did you say we?"

"Duh." She told me. "Who said you weren't helping?"

With that said, she grabbed my arm and walked to the boy.

"Alright." She said to him. "We'll heal you, then you have to get the heck out of this forest."

"Sounds good" He said.


Comment if there are any mistakes.


From Fire & DJ (editor that was fired); Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

The Enchanted Forest {{Cancelled UFN}} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora