Chapter 11: Life

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This couldn't be happening. Not after John and EOS. Not again.

Alan was again staring at a brother passed out from lack of oxygen, on the verge of death. The only thing to startle him out of his trance was his nephew, hugging his knees.

"Uncle Alan help I tried to keep him awake like uncle Virgil said but he fell asleep!" Alan put a hand on Jeff's shoulder, dropping down to his level.

"It's okay. I need you to swim back up to the pod bay, okay?" Jeff nodded and ran toward the entrance of the cave, diving into the water. The blond turned toward Sam, who was already grabbing a dry capsule. The pair carried Scott over and laid him down. The capsule closed and began to flood with oxygen. Sam pushed it back toward the entrance, letting it fall in the water.

Sam and Alan dove into the water and swam to the surface. Sam let the cave crumble behind them. 

"Alan, Sam get up here now! Scott... I can't find a pulse!" Virgil shouted through the coms. The pair pushed themselves faster. Once they got back to Thunderbird 2, Sam rushed to the med bay, leaving Alan and Jeff alone.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jeff asked, looking into his uncle's blue eyes with his own stone blue ones. Alan couldn't help but think of Scott's eyes right then. 

Scott's were full of sadness. He had seen the darkness in the world and paid the price for it, but he was still willing to do anything to help. 

Alan remembered when he came home from the war. How dark Scott was and how cold he had been to everyone. He couldn't let that happen to Jeff. 

Jeff's eyes were almost the exact opposite. His had an undying light in them, a sense of hope. Alan couldn't let that die like it had in his father and Scott.

He had to grow up and forget about childish things. 

Alan pasted a smile on, "Totally." Jeff was still sniffling.

"I don't believe you. I want... I want my..." More sniffing, and a choke.

"Nevermind." Alan could tell there was something going on, but they could talk about it later. He hugged his nephew to his chest and let him sob.

"Mom?" Scott's mother was standing above him, smiling. "Am I...I'm not...I'm dead?" The smile straightened out.

"Almost, dear, but not quite. I know it feels like it's time, but it's not." He scrambled to his feet and looked...down at his mother.

 "You've grown."

" where's dad?" He asked, looking around. Lucille pursed her lips.

"It wasn't his time either. And before you ask, I don't know where he is on Earth." Scott sighed.

"Worth a shot. Uh, I should probably get going, so..." His mom took a breath.

"Tell everyone I love them. Tell Virgil to follow his heart, John that not everyone is bad, Gordon that he is so strong and Alan to don't forget to be young a little while longer. And say hello to your girls and kids for me, would you Scott?" The brunette wiped a tear from his eye.

"Will do mom. I love you." His eyes rolled back in his head and he felt himself falling...

Then sitting bolt upright in Thunderbird 2.

And scaring Virgil and Sam. His brother's forehead creased, and he drew a deep breath.


"I don't think Mom would be very happy if you did that. She said she loves you and to follow your heart. Sam, she says hi." Virgil stared in shock.

"You saw mom? That means...were you really... You were dead?" Scott nodded.

"Yeah. And I don't know where he is, but dad's alive."

Virgil just stared at his older brother, seriously considering strangling him, for a few monuments. Sam just stared. 

"Scott, you are a moron," Sam said, rolling her eyes. 

"Dad's alive?" Virgil fell into a nearby seat, putting his head in his hands. Sam didn't move. the brunet nodded again.

"Yeah. He is." He sighed and looked toward the door. "Now, let's get home. I think we need to have a family disscusion."

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