Chapter 8: Masks

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Ann Marie sat outside, looking at the setting sun. It was beautiful, but she wished she was back in New York. 

"Hey, you hungry?" Alan asked, coming up behind her. 

"Alan, what if I told you who I was under this mask, would you still want me here?" Ann asked.

"Of course I would. Why do you ask?"

'Cause my parents were with your dad when he went missing roughly 12 years ago. And we used to be super close before you told me you were moving. Oh, let's not forget the fact I said I hated you for leaving me behind and the fact I still haven't forgiven you.' she thought.

"No reason." Alan nodded his head thoughtfully. Ann looked at him.

"You worried about... Your family?" Alan chuckled, still half reminiscing.

"I'm more worried about Scott's health when he finds Emma. Chances are, if someone does something like Scott did, she is the epitome of pissed." The girl laughed, snorting in between guffaws. Alan looked at her suspiciously, a smile on his face.

"Is she really that bad?"

"Totally. The last time I crossed her, lets just say sitting done hurt. Of course, I did draw smiley faces on her boobs when she fell asleep feeding Jeff."

Ann let out a loud snort and covered her mouth through the mask. 

"God, you're beautiful." Ann glanced at him.

"Why thank you kind sir," she deadpanned. Alan looked back at her and smiled.

"So, who is under that mask?" She stiffened, then hung her head.

"Promise you won't get mad?" Alan nodded, and the mask came off.

"Oh. Hi." He turned back toward the ocean, trying to hide the smile creeping across his face. "Didn't realize it was you, my best friend since kindergarten. How dare you come to my  island and eat my  food. I'm ashamed." Ann let out a sigh.

"I missed you." 

The blond laughed. "Still hate me?" 

"I'm not sure yet." Ann cast him a evil glare.

"Since when did you gain a death wish?"

"Point taken. So you now get to swing around New York city with I'm guessing Peter by your side?"


The pair stood in silence. Finally Ann broke it. 

"You can't tell anyone, please. I can't lose anyone else. Not after what I said to Uncle Ben before he died. I can't let anyone else hate me for my choices." Alan put a hand on her shoulder.

"Ann, no one would hate you for getting upset."

"And if they do?" Alan smirked.

"My best friend growing up was Annmarie Parker, and my 'good influence' was Gordon Tracy. I can hold my own in a Brawl."

"Not to mention the favorite book series that slowly taught you how to fence. You would fight your brother for me?" She picked up a rock and hurled it into the ocean.

"No, I would fight my brothers for being hypocrites. let's just say some not-nice things were said after mom died. And after dad went missing?" The blond winced, remembering something clearly not very comfortable.

"Scott broke Virgil's jaw, Virg responded by spraining his ankle, and Gordon broke John's nose. First two because Scott wanted to keep looking, and Gordon shoved John away from the fight. John had just come down from five, and..."

"Let me guess, gravity sucks?"


"Pete felt the same way about my mom and dad. But you leaving, he hated you for that. Still does I think." Ann pulled her hair out of its ponytail.

"He didn't seem to have a-"

"Get away from my cousin!" Peter yelled and tackled Alan, sending the both of them over the balcony railing.

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