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Wowee. I never expected to be writing two books at once but here I am Lol. This story is in general POV. Everyonce in a while it might be in someone's POV but I'll say if it is. I hope you'll enjoy this story!
Shout out to my wife Destineeisonfleek2

Millie hung off her bed. Her legs cling to the mattress and her head touched the ground. Millie's brunette hair flowed across the floor like branches of a tree. Her hazel eyes darted around the room. A grin covered the short brunettes hair.

"Hey psycho" Millie turned her head to the guard who stood outside of the closed door. Millie pulled herself into her bed and looked at the guard., her head tilted ever so slightly.

"I got you a present" "I don't want a present" Millie pouted her bottom lip sticking out. "Well you're getting a present and I suggest you say thank you before you have to go in the chair again" Millie shuddered at the guards words. Her lip quivered ever so slightly.

"So lets do that again and this time you say, thank you" Millie just nodded and looked at the guard. "Hey psycho. I got you a present!" "Thank you" Millie spoke her British voice cracking ever so slightly. Millie heard keys clink together. She heard the door handle twist. She watched the door open. The dirty blonde haired guard walked in with a smirk on his face. More guards came in behind him. I'm the middle of the group was a boy in handcuffs, he had ebony hair that was extremely curly, freckled dotted his pale cheeks, his eyes looked cold and emotionless. Millie looked at him in confusion as the guards took his cuffs off. She watched as he rubbed his red wrists where the handcuffs were on. The boy looked dead at Millie. The guards watched out and one stood outside the now locked door incase anything happened.

"So what's your name" Millie spoke after about ten minutes of awkward silence. The ebony haired boy just rocked back and forth on his feet. His dead eyes surveyed the gray room. "Excuse me!?" Millie yelled at him. The y'all boys eyes instantly shot over to Millie.

"So you don't talk eh" Millie spoke in a slightly annoyed tone. The ebony haired boy just looked at her like she had eleven heads. Millie rolled her eyes. "Fine I'll guess I'll call you... Pretty Boy" Millie smiled at herself as the boy just stood there. "Come over her Pretty Boy. I don't bite." A grin spread across Millie's face. The boy took two long strides over to her bed and just sat next to her. His eyes were fixed on the blank wall. Millie smirked and pushed him down onto the bed unexpectedly. She straddled him and out her hands on his shoulders. The boy looked at her with wide eyes and tried to escape her grip.

"I'm in charge here Pretty Boy" Millie whispered in his ear before hopping off him like nothing happened. She hung upside down again as the stranger rolled his eyes and scoffed. He made his way over to his bed and sat on the newly made sheets.

One hour later

Millie's head started to pound from hanging upside down so long. She pulled herself up onto her bed and looked around the blank room. After a minute she found herself staring at the familiar stranger.

"What's the outside world like, Pretty Boy?" Millie asked her voice was soft and her accent wasn't as strong as before. The ebony haired boy's head tilted as he looked at her. He just shrugged his shoulder before turning back to staring at the brick wall. Millie rolled her hazel eyes as she watched the stranger just stare at the wall. Millie hopped off her bed and ran over to his. She pounced on him and stared into his chocolate brown emotionless eyes. "Please talk to me, Pretty Boy. Youre making me very sad" Millie frowned and stuck her bottom lip out. The stranger just rolled his eyes and pushed her off him. She tumbled off the bed and onto the cold cement floor. "Oh you're strong Pretty Boy" Millie smiled and hopped back onto her feet like nothing had ever happened. She smiled and walked back to her bed. "Please just tell me your name Pretty Boy" The brunette just looked at the ebony haired boy with pleading eyes. After five minutes of silence she just fell backwards onto her bed and stared at the ceiling.

Two hours later

It was nearly eight  at night. The cell was simply illuminated by a nearly burned out light bulb. Millie rolled on her bed pretending she wasn't in this place.

"Finn" Millie stopped and stared at the stranger. Millie has a confused look on her face. The stranger took a deep breath and begin to speak. "My name is Finn" Millie hopped up and stood on her bed "Oh my god you can talk" The brunette screamed like a child on Christmas. Her hazel eyes were filled with joy as she danced on her bed. Finn just rolled his eyes at the brunette girl. Millie fell backwards into the bed "My names Millie" The brunette said in a Jersey accent. She twirled her haired around her finger and sat up on her bed. A smile spread across her face. Suddenly she rolled off her bed and landing on the floor with a thud. Giggles filled the room as Millie just laid on the cold cement. Finn looked at her with a weird look on his face. He watched as the British girl twirled her brunette hair on her finger. He just rolled his eyes and laid on his bed. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling. He let his eyelids go heavy. Finns eyes fluttered shut and he drifted off into a nightmare filled sleep. Millie just laid on the floor and imagined she was staring at the sky. Her eyelids shut suddenly and she fell into a restless sleep.


Holy fucking shit. That was great I feel great! I hoped y'all liked it!

-Ari 🥀

1035 words for you bitches

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