"Thank god," Keith says with a sigh of relief. "When is the trial?"

"They say sometime in the next three weeks, but we've all been asked to testify," Shiro explains.

"Good; I want to tell the jury all the sick things that bastard did." Keith grits out as Lance rubs his back comfortingly.

"Are you guys going to be well enough to stand trial?" Pidge asks as he sits in the chair next to the hospital bed.

"Of course, we can't let him be set free. He needs life in prison." Lance says, Keith nodding in agreement.

"Okay, I'll go tell the lawyers," Shiro says as he stands from the bed, then walks over to the two boys and hugs them. "You guys should really get some sleep."

"Yeah," Keith agrees with a yawn. The group waved the boys goodbye as they exited the room, leaving Keith and Lance alone.

"Are you going to sleep here or return to bed?" Lance asks.

"Here," Keith mumbles as he pulls off the blankets and snuggles closer to Lance's side.

"Okay, have a good sleep," Lance says as he rests his head atop Keith's.

"Good night, love you," Keith mumbles before falling asleep.

"Love you too," Lance says as his eyes slowly flutter shut.


Time flies as the boys heal from their injuries and adjust to everyday life. They return to school, working their hardest to finish school and pass exams to graduate until the day of the trial arrives. On the first day, both Keith and Lance attend, not their day to testify but to be there to support their friends who are. They watch as Lotor walks into the courtroom, dressed in an ill-fitting orange jumpsuit and cuffs around his wrists and feet. No emotion on his face as he looks around the room and locks eyes with Keith before looking away. Soon the jury is seated, the judge walks in, and the trial begins. Opening statements are said, evidence such as the knife and gun used by Lotor is presented, along with photo proof of Lance's and Keith's wounds, photos of the room Lance was kept in and the spot of the final showdown. Next, Pidge, Hunk, Allura, Shiro and even Jorji were brought in to testify one by one. Each describes various events, such as the stalking of Keith at school, the threatening phone calls and wounds Lotor inflicted, the moment Keith was stabbed and when Pidge finally knocks him out in self-defence with a glass vase to save his friends. Finally, after the last remarks were said, the first day of the trial was completed, but Keith still felt anxious. As they all left the courtroom, Lance placed an arm around Keith's waist and pulled him close.

"Hey, he's going to be put away. There's no way he's getting out this time."

"We all know what he's capable of, Lance; I won't believe it until I hear the sentence," Keith says. Lance just hugs him, understanding the amount of stress Keith feels and who, too, cannot wait until Lotor is back behind bars permanently. When the sun rises the following day, Keith stands in front of the mirror, preparing to be put on the stand. Taking one last look at his reflection, he turns and walks down the stairs to where Shiro and his mom are waiting at the door. He hugs his mom and Shiro before they make their way out the door and to the courthouse. Once there, the second day of the trial begins with Lance and Keith taking the stand one after another. Lance describes the fear he saw in Keith's eyes when he first heard the message sent by Lotor and how afraid Keith was every moment Lotor was free. He described what it was like to be knocked out and kidnapped and then held as ransom and tortured. Tears came to Lance's eyes as he told the jury about when he felt the stab wound on his stomach, knowing what had just happened and how scared he was of him and Keith dying. The whole courtroom is silent as Lance finishes his story. Moments later, Keith approached the stand and stared directly at Lotor.

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