"It's like nothing has changed", Freed chuckled amused.

"Why would have anything changed?" Ever smiled.

"It somehow feels much longer time that I was away than it actually was", Freed said. "Not that I'm complaining my time at your house", he said to Rufus who laughed.

"I know what you mean, dear", he purred. "Let's go inside so everyone can see that you're back and alright."

Freed nodded and Bickslow grabbed the doors, swinging them open a little bit too dramatically if you asked from Freed. When the heavy doors slammed against the walls it was impossible for anyone to not notice someone was entering and silence landed on the Hall.

"Look who came back home!" Bickslow cackled and he motioned towards Freed.

"Bicks, that is not necessary –" he started but his words were drown because loud yelling erupted in the Hall.

In the next moment Freed was almost terrified what was about to happen when his guild mates rushed towards them, everybody asking something at the same time. It was funny and... So nice. So heart warming the rune mage could hardly believe it.

"Quiet already, you brats!" he heard a familiar shout and immediately everyone moved aside so Master Makarov could walk over. "It is good to see you again, Freed", he smiled softly. "We were really worried about you."

"I'm really sorry that I have caused so much worry for everyone, Master", Freed said.

"No, don't you say sorry, there's nothing you need to apologize. It is those bastards that will soon feel sorry because they dared to attack one of our family members!" Makarov yelled and the others cheered. "This is war! Fairy Tail will do whatever it can so we can get rid of those hunters!"

"Master..." Freed said and he actually needed to swallow a little.

"We will crush those jerks like they're just bugs!" Natsu howled and others cheered. "We'll get rid of them quicker than Gray loses his pants!"

"Yes – wait what?" Gray growled annoyed and Freed chuckled.

"It is so good to be back home", Greenette smiled brightly. "I have missed this."

He looked at Rufus and Magaidh.

"You remember Rufus Lore?" he said to everyone. "He was kind enough to take care of me when I needed help. And Magaidh has done wonders with her medicine and healing skills so I'm even this good of a shape right now. They and the rest of the Sabertooth have helped me a lot."

"From the bottom of my heart, I thank you that you helped one of our family members", Makarov nodded with a smile. "I'm more than honoured to welcome you two in the Guild House of Fairy Tail. Please make yourselves at home."

"Thank you so much, Master Makarov", Rufus said bowing his head with Magaidh.

"If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. We will always help those who help our family in need."

"I will ask if I come up with something", Rufus chuckled mischievously looking at Freed who's cheeks turned red.

"Ooh? Do I see blushing?" Happy giggled making Freed jolt. "Do you maybe... Like him?" he purred and snickered with others.

"Now now, let's give them some space", Ever said shooing the blue exceed away and Freed was silently thanking her. It was not like he was ashamed, but... This was kind of a chaotic situation right now to announce something like that. "Come on, sweetie, let's get you something to drink", Ever smiled happily and she took Freed's hand dragging him to one of the tables. Rufus chuckled and followed them, sitting down beside Freed.

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