Ch. 6

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-Celia's POV-

"Cece.....will you go on a date with me." As the words came out his mouth, I spit out my baja blast all over his face.

"I guess I'll take that as a no." He said starting to get up with a disappointed look on his face.

"No, Matt wait! I was just shocked. Why would you want to go out with ME?"

"What do you mean why? Why would I not want to go out with you?"

"It's just...I'm not the prettiest girl in the world and I have plenty of flaws."

"Don't you ever say that again. You are pretty for being you. I never said I was looking for perfect! I love you for every single flaw you have."



"I say yes to your first question. I just wasn't expecting it." He came over and spun me around in a hug.

"I'll pick you up on Friday at 7." With that we walked back to his car and he drove me home.

When I arrived home, I waved Matt goodbye and walked through my front door. I ran upstairs and went to my room.

I laid on my bed and pulled out my phone. I opened my messages and texted Shel.

To Shelly🐚

Hey u awake I have to tell u something.

From Shelly🐚

Yeah what is it?

To Shelly🐚

Is Ari with u?

Ari is the queen of gossip. I didn't really want this spreading, it would give me unwanted attention.

From Shelly🐚

No. C ur really freaking me out. What is it

To Shelly🐚

Don't tell anyone yet but MATT ASKED ME ON A DATE!!!!!!😍

From Shelly🐚


To Shelly🐚

I'll call you.

I immediately called her and she picked up on the first ring.

"Okay tell me everything."

"He invited me to the mall after school. While I was there with him we went to the food court and got Taco Bell-"

"Of course."

"Then while we were eating, he asked me on a date. Of course being the embarrassing idiot that I am, I spit out my baja blast all over his face."

"And he still wanted to go on a date?" Shel said with surprise in her voice.

"Well he took that as a no and started to walk away but then I just said that I was surprised that he would ask out someone like me. Then he said that I was perfect the way I was and that he liked me for every flaw."

"Aw that is so sweet."

"I know right?! Anyway after that I said yes to him and I'm just so happy. I mean I have been waiting for this moment since I met him. It took 10 years but it finally happened."

"I'm so happy for you. But why didn't you want Ari to know?"

"Well you know Ari, she gets a little information and will spread throughout the school. I don't really want that kind of attention right now, especially if it isn't going to work out." I said while yawning.

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